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Liquid Disposal, Inc. (Utica, Macomb County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Wally Wagaw, or 517-648-1540


Liquid Disposal, Inc. is located at 3901 Hamlin Road and was a commercial liquid waste incineration facility that accepted wastes from major automobile manufacturers, chemical companies and other industries around the state. The site included an ash pit, scrubber and oil lagoons, surface and underground storage tanks and drums. Poor storage practices and spills contaminated soil and groundwater with PCBs, heavy metals, VOCs and other chemicals. Groundwater was sampled for PFAS in 2021, and results were as high as 350 ppt PFOS (compared to 16 ppt). Groundwater flows to the north/northeast towards the Clinton River. 

Content posted September 2024.


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Drinking water information

EGLE, DHHS and local health have confirmed that there are no nearby residential drinking water wells.

Anticipated activities

EGLE and EPA have recommended that the PRP Group resample six monitoring well locations for PFAS. The agencies have also recommended that the PRP Group conduct groundwater sampling outside of the perimeter of the landfill and in the surrounding wetlands, because they may be considered potential receptors.