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Michigan Seamless Tube, LLC (South Lyon, Oakland County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Joe Rogers, or 517-599-5312.


Michigan Seamless Tube, LLC (MST), manufactures specialty metal tube products at a manufacturing facility at 400 McMunn Street in South Lyon. Remedial Actions at MST are being conducted under a Corrective Action Consent Order. Given the historic manufacturing and waste management activities that have occurred at the site, including plating, EGLE, in a letter dated December 21, 2018, requested MST conduct PFAS sampling. A work plan to conduct the sampling was approved by EGLE in March 2019, and the sampling was conducted in the spring and summer of 2019.

The hydrogeology at the site is mainly sand about 100 feet thick, with some discontinuous silt and clay layers present. Groundwater flow at the site is to the south or southwest toward an ephemeral stream called Yerkes Drain, which is located just south of the southern border of the MST facility. Depending on the time of year and the amount of recent precipitation, Yerkes Drain may be a “gaining” (i.e., receiving or gaining flow from groundwater) or a “losing” (losing flow to groundwater) stream. Yerkes Drain then flows westerly, and then flows into, or is connected to, several small lakes west of the facility (Limekiln Lake, Nichwagh Lake, etc.). The site is in the Huron River watershed. There is a City of South Lyon Municipal pumping well located approximately 1 half mile upgradient of the highest PFOS concentration on site. Data from this well collected in 2018 did not identify detectable levels of PFOS and PFOA. EGLE has worked with local public health to previously identify potential downgradient residential wells as part of the ongoing corrective action process and is the process of evaluating the PFAS data to see if additional sampling needs to be completed. This work will be completed in conjunction with Oakland County Public Health and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).

Content posted August 2020.

Drinking water

EGLE has worked with local public health to previously identify potential downgradient residential wells as part of the ongoing corrective action process and is the process of evaluating the PFAS data to see if additional sampling needs to be completed. This work will be completed in conjunction with Oakland County Public Health and MDHHS.

Anticipated activities

Both of the above reports are under review by EGLE, and formal comments have not yet been provided to MST. Due to several of the groundwater concentrations being above the proposed new criteria, it is anticipated that additional investigation will be required at the facility to better define the source(s) of the PFAS, as well the extent and fate of the contamination. It is anticipated the additional investigation will be initiated later in 2020.

Historical timeline

    • On April 29, 2019, AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM), collected groundwater and storm water samples at the MST facility.  Nineteen (19) existing on-site monitoring wells and two storm sewer locations were sampled to investigate the potential presence of PFAS compounds.
    • On August 8, 2019, EGLE received the report summarizing the April 2019 sampling event.  The two storm water samples (“Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall” and “East Storm Drain”) were collected after a storm or during “wet” conditions.  Both samples were non-detect for PFOS and PFOA.  PFAS compounds were detected in all but two groundwater monitoring wells.  The highest concentration of PFOS was detected in monitoring well MW-1C at 36.1 ppt.  Monitoring well MW-6A exceeded the PFOA criteria with a concentration of 14 ppt.  One well had PFNA of 24 ppt.
    • On September 25, 2019, AECOM collected the second set of storm water samples at the MST facility during dry conditions.  The report regarding this sampling event was received by EGLE on December 19, 2019. The storm water samples were collected at the same locations as during the April 2019 sampling event. The only PFOA or PFOS compound detected was at the East Storm Drain where PFOA was detected at 1.69 ppt.
    • On November 21, 2019, a copy of the August 8, 2019, PFAS Report was forwarded to MDHHS and the Oakland County Health Department.  

      Sampling Results Summary: PFOS and PFOA Only

      Type of Sample

      Date Sampled (or Range)

      Numberof Sample Results Received

      Number of Samples Above PFOS Criteria

      Number of Samples Above PFOA Criteria


      April 29, 2019 19 1 1
      Surface Water (Storm Water) April 2019 and September 2019 4 0 0
      Cumulative 23 1 1
      *Groundwater results are compared to EGLE Part 201 Criteria of PFOS 16 ppt and PFOA 8 ppt.
      *Surface water samples are compared to Rule 57 non-drinking water values of 12 ppt for PFOS and 12,000 ppt for PFOA.

      Sampling Notes

      • None at this time.