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Tallmadge Area of Interest (Tallmadge Township, Ottawa County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Kelly Moss, or 616-215-4588


PFAS was detected at concentrations below drinking water standards at Future Steps Daycare during the initial EGLE Statewide PFAS Sampling in 2018. The daycare has been sampled quarterly since 2018 and has had individual detections of PFOS as high as 17 ppt. The running annual average has remained below the Maximum Contaminant Levels of 16 ppt. The daycare is utilizing bottled water as a precautionary measure. Numerous residential wells are in the surrounding area.

In September 2023, Ottawa County Local Health Department (OCHD) sampled eight residential drinking water wells located within an 800-foot radius of the Future Steps Daycare. Four wells were non-detect for PFAS and four wells had detections of PFAS below drinking water criteria. Additional residential well sampling is planned for the spring of 2024.

Due to the lack of environmental investigation in the area, the groundwater flow direction is unknown. The nearest surface water body is an unnamed tributary to Sand Creek, approximately 1,400 feet to the east.

Content posted May 2024.


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Drinking water information

The nearest municipal water (Grand Rapids city water) stops approximately 1,500 feet to the east of the daycare along Lake Michigan Drive. The residents along 8th Avenue north and south of the daycare are on private drinking water wells.

Anticipated activities

Additional drinking water well sampling in the area is anticipated to begin in the Spring of 2024.