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Gov. Whitmer Signs Legislation to Combat Opioid Overdoses


June 26, 2019  


Gov. Whitmer Signs Legislation to Combat Opioid Overdoses 


LANSING, Mich. – Today Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed House Bills 4367, 4121, and 4296 as well as Senate Bills 200, 282, and 283.  


The bill package including SB 200, 282, 283 and HB 4367 will allow most state and municipal entities, including public libraries and public universities, to purchase, possess, and distribute opioid antagonists, and will allow properly trained employees of those entities to administer opioid antagonists. 


“This legislation will be useful in combating the public health crisis of opioid overdoses and deaths affecting families across the state,” said Whitmer. “With this bill package Michigan is demonstrating our bipartisan commitment to reducing opioid deaths and abuse here in Michigan.” 


Governor Whitmer also signed HB 4121 which will help keep Michigan residents in their homes by giving economically vulnerable residents an alternative to foreclosure while protecting property tax revenue for Michigan communities. 


“We have seen firsthand how these avoidance agreements can help counties, residents and the economy,” said Whitmer. “That is why this bill is an important part of protecting Michigan residents and taxpayers.”  


Background on legislation signed by the governor today: 


  • House Bill 4367 will create the Administration of Opioid Antagonists Act which will be able to purchase and possess an opioid antagonist. A trained employee or agent will be able to administer naloxone to an individual if the employee or agent has been trained and has reason to believe that an individual is experiencing and opioid-related overdose. Within the bill the term “agencies” extends to municipal corporations, counties, county road commissions, school districts, community college districts, public libraries, port districts, metropolitan districts, and transportation authorities, as well as to State of Michigan departments, commissions, courts, boards, councils, and statutorily created task forces. The bill is sponsored by Representative Jason Sheppard, R-Temperance and it is tie-barred with Senate Bills 200, 282, and 283. 
  • Senate Bill 283 repeals the section of the Revised School Code that authorized trained public-school employees to administer opioid antagonists on school property (MCL 380.1179b). It also amends the statute that immunizes public school employees from civil and criminal liability for administering medication to remove the immunity for administration of opioid antagonists (MCL 380.1178). These now-repealed authorizations and immunities are replaced by newly enacted authorizations and immunities created by HB 4367. The bill is sponsored by Senator Peter Lucido, R- Shelby Township. 
  • Senate Bill 200 amends the Public Health Code to allow a prescriber to dispense an opioid antagonist (naloxone/Narcan) to a public entity for purposes of the Administration of Opioid Antagonists Act. Under current law, such prescribers and dispensers are authorized to distribute to a school board and qualified school employee.  SB 200 permits distribution to the full range of state entities and their employees under the act.. The bill is sponsored by Senator Paul Wojno, D-Center Line.  
  • Senate Bill 282 amends sec. 20919 of the Public Health Code to require a medical control authority to establish written protocols that ensure timely dispatch based upon medical need, and otherwise ensure high quality service and compliance with the law, not only for life support agencies but also for “emergency medical services.” The bill is sponsored by Senator Curt VanderWall, R-Ludington. 
  • House Bill 4121 amends the General Property Tax Act to extend the June 30, 2019 sunset on a county treasurer’s ability to enter into a tax foreclosure avoidance agreement to June 30, 2026. The bill is sponsored by Representative Wendell Byrd, D-Detroit. The bill is sponsored by Representative Wendell Byrd, D-Detroit.  
  • House Bill 4296 extends the sunset date for collection of the Electronic System Filing fee by ten years, to February 28, 2031. This fee funds the statewide e-filing system for civil litigation known as MiFile. This bill is sponsored by Representative Graham Filler, R-DeWitt.  


