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Gov. Whitmer Orders Flags Lowered to Honor Former State Senator Gary Corbin


September 18, 2019 


Gov. Whitmer Orders Flags Lowered to Honor Former State Senator Gary Corbin 


LANSING, Mich. – Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ordered U.S. and Michigan flags within the State Capitol Complex to be lowered to half-staff on Thursday, September 19, 2019, to honor the life and service of former state Senator Gary Corbin. 


“Senator Corbin was a thoughtful leader and served the people of Michigan and his community with honor,” Whitmer said. “His service as a member of the Michigan State Senate, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, and as a pastor made Michigan a better place.” 


Former Senator Corbin’s career started as a pastor at the Community Church of God before winning a seat on the Genesee County Board of Commissioners in 1970. In 1974, he was elected to the Michigan State Senate where he served until 1986. 


During his time in the Michigan Senate, Senator Corbin chaired the Colleges and Universities Committee and the Finance Committee. He later served as the majority floor leader. 


On July 12, Senator Corbin passed away at 77 years old after a battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Sheila, two daughters, Sally and Susan, and three grandchildren.  


The State of Michigan recognizes the duty, honor and selfless service of Senator Gary Corbin by lowering flags to half-staff within the State Capitol Complex. 


To lower flags to half-staff, flags should be hoisted first to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The process is reversed before the flag is lowered for the day. 


Flags should be returned to full-staff on Friday, September 20, 2019. 

