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Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions


December 17, 2020 



Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions  


LANSING, Mich. - Governor Gretchen Whitmer today announced the following appointments to the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan, and the Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs. 


Michigan Civil Rights Commission 


Richard Corriveau, of Northville, is a trial attorney and the president of Richard J. Corriveau Law, P.C. Mr. Corriveau is a veteran of the United States military and previously worked as a public school teacher and an adjunct professor. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Michigan State University, a Master of Arts in Education and Psychology from the University of Michiganand a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Detroit Law School. Mr. Corriveau is appointed to represent Democrats for a term commencing January 1, 2021 and expiring December 31, 2024. He succeeds Jeffrey Sakwa whose term expires December 31, 2020. 


Anupama Kosaraju, of Franklin, is currently a community organizer working to increase civic engagement in the South Asian Community in Michigan and nationally. Mrs. Kosaraju is retired from Harman Industries International where she worked as a global procurement controller. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters of Arts in Communications from the University of Chennai, India and earned her Master of Business Administration in Finance from Wayne State University.  Mrs. Kosaraju is appointed to represent Democrats for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2022. She succeeds Denise Grim who has resigned. 


Gloria E. Lara, of Grand Rapids, is the executive director of the Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity AllianceMs. Lara previously served as the chief executive officer of the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Accounting from California State University and Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School. Ms. Lara is appointed to represent Independents for a term commencing January 1, 2021 and expiring December 31, 2024. She succeeds Laura Reyes-Kopack whose term expires December 31, 2020. 


The Michigan Civil Rights Commission was created by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 to carry out the guarantees against discrimination articulated in Article I, Section 2.  As further stated in Article V, Section 29, the State Constitution directs the Commission to investigate alleged discrimination against any person because of religion, race, color or national origin, and to "secure the equal protection of such civil rights without such discrimination."  Public Acts 453 and 220 of 1976 and subsequent amendments have added sex, age, marital status, height, weight, arrest record, and physical and mental disabilities to the original four protected categories.  


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.   


Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission 


Roland Sintos ColomaPh.D., of Detroit, is the assistant dean of the Wayne State University College of Education. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies and Masters of Arts in Educational Administration from the University of California-Riverside and a Masters of Arts and a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies in Education from The Ohio State University. Dr. Coloma is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring November 30, 2024. He succeedAnthony Chang whose term expired November 30, 2020. 


Sharon Dow, of Rochester Hills, is the vice president of the Association of Chinese Americans Detroit Chapter, board treasurer for the DIA Friends of Asian Arts and Cultures, vice president of the Council of Asian Pacific Americans in Michigan, and the founder and president of the Wind Dance Chinese Cultural Group. Ms. Dow is also retired data architect with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles where she worked for 27 years. She holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from Western Michigan University. Ms. Dow is reappointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring November 30, 2024. 


Mika McAskill, of Pinckney, is the vice president of strategic enrollment management at Washtenaw Community CollegeShe holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and a Master of Science in Administration Leadership from Central Michigan University. Ms. McAskill is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring November 30, 2024. She succeeds Asim Alavi whose term expired November 30, 2020.  


Laura Misumi, of Detroit, is the executive director and board president of Rising Voices of Asian American Families and the managing director of Tides Advocacy. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Latin American & Caribbean Studies from the University of Michigan and a Juris Doctor degree from the Northeastern University School of Law. Ms. Misumi is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring November 30, 2023. She succeeds Toshiki Masaki who has resigned.  


Jenny Mualhlun, of Battle Creek, is an incubation associate and discovery cohort coach at SecondMuse. She also works as a cross-cultural business consultant for the City of Battle Creek and previously worked as a family and community engagement specialist with the Burma Center. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Oral Roberts University. Ms. Mualhlun is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring November 30, 2024. She succeeds Kavy Lenon whose term expired November 30, 2020.   


Ayesha Ghazi Edwin, of Ann Arbor, is a lecturer for the University of Michigan School of Social Work and a fund development consultant for Detroit Disability Power. She is also the founder and principal consultant for AGE Strategies and the executive director of the American Citizens for Justice at the Asian American Center for Justice. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Albion College and a Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan. The Governor has designated Mrs. Ghazi Edwin to serve as Chair of the Commission. 


The Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission's (MAPAAC) vision is to be an exemplary commission by adding public value to the State of Michigan and the Asian Pacific American community, by fully engaging Asian Pacific Americans across the state.  


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. 


Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan 


Florensio Hernandez, of Lansing, is a senior admissions counselor at Michigan State University. Mr. Hernandez is the vice president of the Lansing Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and a member of the Ingham County Community Health Center Board. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Arts in Higher Adult and Lifelong Education from Michigan State University. Mr. Hernandez is reappointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring December 10, 2023. 


Jesus M. Hernandez, of Detroit, is a human resources consultant for DTE EnergyMr. Hernandez is a member of the City of Detroit Board of Police Commissionersboard treasurer for the Michigan Hispanic Collaborative, and vice chair for Detroit Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program Foundation. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Wayne State UniversityMr. Hernandez is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring December 10, 2023. He succeeds Ivonne Soler whose term expired December 10, 2020. 


Celeste Sanchez Lloyd, of Grand Rapidsis the program manager for Spectrum Health-Strong Beginnings. She is a board member for the Latina Network of West Michigan and a member of the Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial DisparitiesShe holds a Bachelor of Science in Consumer and Family Science from Purdue University and a Master of Arts in Consumer Family Science from Western Michigan University. Ms. Lloyd is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring December 10, 2023. She succeeds Carlos Pava whose term expired December 10, 2020. 


Jose Sanchez, III, of Lake Odessa, is a facility coordinator and apprenticeship instructor with the Michigan Statewide Carpenters Training Fund, where he obtained his journeyman carpenters certificate. He is also a certified level 2 instructor through the United Brotherhood of Carpenters Training Center with Penn State University, a certified associate welding inspector, a certified rigger and signaler, and an OSHA trainer. Mr. Sanchez is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring December 10, 2023. He succeeds Angela Baldwin whose term expired December 10, 2020. 


The Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan was created to develop a unified policy and plan of action to serve the needs of Michigan's Hispanic and Latino people. The law directs the Commission to advise the Governor, the Legislature, and the office concerning the coordination and administration of state programs serving the Hispanic and Latino population.  


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. 


Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs 


Abdulhakem A. Alsadah, of Ypsilanti, is the president of the National Association of Yemeni Americans and an adjunct professor at Oakland Community College and Henry Ford College. Mr. Alsadah previously served as Honorary Consul General of Yemen in Michigan and the Midwest Region. He holds a Bachelor of Social Science and a Master of Public Administration from Eastern Michigan University and a Master of Social Work from Wayne State University.  Mr. Alsadah is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring April 19, 2021. He succeeds Sharif Hussein who has resigned. 


Nabeleh Ghareeb, of Plymouth, is a consultant and project manager for Development Centers, Inc. Ms. Ghareeb is a member of the Inforum board council, a former president of the Arab American Business Council, past board member of the Michigan Minority Business Development Council, and is involved in the Arab America FoundationShe holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Wayne State University and a Master of Education Administration and Supervision from the University of Toledo. Ms. Ghareeb is appointed for a term commencing December 17, 2020 and expiring April 19, 2022. She succeeds Rihan Issa who has resigned. 


The Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs was created by Executive Order 2015-6. The Commission is housed in the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity and shall act in an advisory capacity to the Governor and the Director. The 15-member council will advise the department on issues relating to the Arab and Chaldean communities in Michigan and promote awareness of their culture and history. They will also work to empower, promote, and advance the Middle Eastern American community in Michigan. 


These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.  

