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Gov. Whitmer Lowers Flag to Honor Victims of the Shooting in Oxford, Michigan


November 30, 2021  


Gov. Whitmer Lowers Flag to Honor Victims of the Shooting in Oxford, Michigan 

 LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has ordered U.S. and Michigan flags within the State Capitol Complex and upon all public buildings and grounds across the State of Michigan to be lowered to half-staff immediately until further notice to honor and remember the victims of the shooting at Oxford High School in Oakland County.    

"My heart breaks for the students, teachers, staff, and families of Oxford High School," said Governor Whitmer. "The death of multiple students and the shooting of many others, including a teacher, is horrific. I want to thank the first responders on the ground working hard to keep people safe as law enforcement officials investigate this shooting and get the community the help it needs right now. Our state is in mourning alongside the parents who had their children taken from them today and the entire community in Oxford."    

On Tuesday, a student gunman opened fire at Oxford High School in Oakland County, killing multiple people and wounding many others. Officials have not yet released the names of those killed in the shooting.      

The State of Michigan remembers the victims and stands in solidarity with the community of Oxford by lowering flags to half-staff. Michigan residents, businesses, schools, local governments and other organizations also are encouraged to display the flag at half-staff.  

To lower flags to half-staff, flags should be hoisted first to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The process is reversed before the flag is lowered for the day.      

Flag should remain lowered until further notice.  
