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April 13, 2019: Sandy Medos Day

WHEREAS, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Michigan Auxiliary is honoring its President, Sandy Medos, for instilling in the public and the organization a sense of patriotism and pride in serving the needs of our Veterans through consistently reaching out to assist with the needs of our Active Duty Military Personnel, Veterans, and their families; and,

WHEREAS, Sandy joined the VFW Auxiliary and became a life member under the eligibility of her husband Ross, who served in the United States Air Force for four years and served in the United States Navy for sixteen years from which he retired; and,

WHEREAS, Sandy was elected to the high office of VFW Auxiliary Department President on June 9, 2018, at the VFW Auxiliary Department of Michigan Convention in Flint, Michigan; and,

WHEREAS, Sandy is a life member of the VFW National Home for Children and VFW Camp Trotter. She has served as an auxiliary and district president along with many department, district and auxiliary chairmanships. She and her husband volunteer every Tuesday at the Ann Arbor VA Hospital, and she is on the Fellowship Board of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Taylor, Michigan; and,

WHEREAS, Sandy has two children, a daughter Veronica, who is a life member of the VFW Auxiliary, and a son Justin, as well as twin grandchildren; and,

WHEREAS, the 2018-2019 Department of Michigan President, Sandy Medos, is rallying VFW Auxiliary members behind her theme, “United We Stand.” She has supported this organization through its many programs for youth and for Veterans and their families, providing awards and scholarships to students based on their expressions of patriotism through art, speech, and volunteerism;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim April 13, 2019, as a day to celebrate and honor Sandy Medos for an outstanding year of volunteer service to Veterans and their families by serving as the Department of Michigan VFW Auxiliary President.