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April 24, 2019: Suits and Sneakers Day

WHEREAS, the Coaches vs. Cancer program is a nationwide collaboration between the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches, leveraging the personal experiences, community leadership, and professional excellence of coaches nationwide to increase cancer awareness and promote healthy living through year-round awareness efforts, fundraising activities, and advocacy programs; and,

WHEREAS, the American Cancer Society saves lives and creates a world with more birthdays by helping people stay well and get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back, in partnership with its nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network; and,

WHEREAS, more than 58,000 Michiganders were newly-diagnosed with cancer in 2019; and,

WHEREAS, cancer patients face countless challenges associated with their diagnoses, including physical, emotional, financial, and day-to-day challenges; and,

WHEREAS, since 1993, coaches and their supporters have raised more than $87 million for the American Cancer Society to help make the American Cancer Society’s services and programs available to those who need them the most; and,

WHEREAS, the Coaches vs. Cancer Suits And Sneakers™ Awareness nationwide effort unites coaches across the country to wear sneakers with their game attire while coaching games during the weekend of January 21-27, 2019, and encourages lawmakers and others to similarly wear “suits” and sneakers to raise awareness about the fight against cancer, share the importance of nutrition and physical activity in reducing one’s cancer risk, and promote the American Cancer Society as a place for help and support; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan coaches have joined together with their fellow coaches nationwide, as well as thousands of volunteers for the American Cancer Society and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network to advocate on behalf of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, so that, one day, cancer will be eliminated as a major public health issue;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2019, as Suits and Sneakers Day in Michigan and urge all Michiganders to use this day as an opportunity to educate themselves about cancer and take proactive steps to reduce their risks and get appropriate screenings.