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May 4, 2019: Wildfire Community Preparedness Day in Michigan

WHEREAS, wildfires across the United States have taken more than 100 lives and cost more than $25 billion in property losses over the last two years; and,


WHEREAS, in 2018, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlands firefighters battled 296 fires in Michigan on 3,588 acres of land and assisted with wildfires in 10 additional states; and,


WHEREAS, human activities such as debris burning, use of power equipment, and campfires are the leading causes of wildfires in Michigan, and spring and early summer are often the times of highest fire risk; and,


WHEREAS, members of the community can help reduce wildfire risks by creating fire-safe spaces around their homes and property and following safe burning practices when disposing of yard debris or other natural materials; and,


WHEREAS, we recognize that everyone can do his or her part to prepare for wildfire emergencies by taking steps to make effective changes to our landscapes and homes and better ensure people have the necessary resources and knowledge to help protect themselves from wildfire losses;


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim May 4, 2019, as Wildfire Community Preparedness Day in Michigan.