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July 28 - August 4, 2019: Buy Michigan Week

WHEREAS, as we continue to reinvent Michigan, every resident in our state can contribute to strengthening Michigan’s economy by buying locally produced goods and services; and,


WHEREAS, Michigan is home to vibrant industries including manufacturing, agriculture and tourism; and,


WHEREAS, buying locally encourages small business growth and helps maintain good paying jobs in Michigan; and,


WHEREAS, when we buy locally, we strengthen our commitment to community and put Michigan on a path to economic prosperity; and,


WHEREAS, during this week and throughout the year, we encourage Michigan residents to take advantage of the wonderful industries our state has to offer by “buying Michigan” and show support for Michigan-based businesses across the state;


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim July 28 – August 4, 2019, as Buy Michigan Week.