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October 2019: Investing in Abilities Month

WHEREAS, Michigan’s economic opportunity and strength are built upon the skills and

talents of every citizen in our state; and,


WHEREAS, a growing number of Michigan employers recognize the abilities of people

with disabilities and know that employing these workers makes good business sense; and,


WHEREAS, for more than 20 years, many public and private disability organizations in Michigan have promoted “investing in abilities” activities in an effort to shatter stereotypes

and support recognition of the abilities of all citizens; and,


WHEREAS, during October, events and activities will take place throughout Michigan to advance the “investing in abilities” theme, promoting the employment of people with

disabilities; and,


WHEREAS, we join with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), the Michigan Rehabilitation Services, various Michigan public and private organizations, and many Michigan employers to celebrate the abilities and contributions of people with disabilities, whose employment in the state can only serve to enrich the business community;


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim October 2019 as Investing in Abilities Month in Michigan.