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November 4, 2019: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Awareness Day

WHEREAS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is a nerve disorder that causes chronic pain; and,


WHEREAS, the symptoms of CRPS/RSD are often described as burning that is out of proportion to the severity of the initial injury and can include swelling and extreme sensitivity to touch; and,


WHEREAS, there is no cure for CRPS, however if treated within the first few months of symptoms, treatments may improve long-term CPRS symptoms; and,


WHEREAS, while CRPS/RSD was first described in detail during the Civil War, it remains a poorly understood condition; and,


WHEREAS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health support research relating to CRPS/RSD; and,


WHEREAS, On November 4, 2019, members of the CRPS/RSD community will light buildings, bridges, and landmarks orange to celebrate the sixth-annual Color the World Orange day to spread awareness of this poorly understood and incredibly debilitating condition;


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim November 4, 2019, as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Awareness Day in Michigan.