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March 2020: Women's History Month

WHEREAS, the 2020 national theme for Women’s History Month is Valiant Women of the Vote, marking the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and,


WHEREAS, we honor women from the suffrage movement as well as the women who have continued the struggle by fighting against poll taxes, voter roll purges, and other more contemporary forms of voter suppression to ensure voting rights for all; and,


WHEREAS, Michigan women bring a wide and deep diversity of lived experiences and expertise to all aspects of civic, economic, cultural, and social development throughout our state, in countless recorded and unrecorded ways; and,


WHEREAS, there is a historic number of women serving in the Legislature and across the state government, and they make up more than 50 percent of the population, 56 percent of our state’s labor force, 12 percent of senior leadership in Michigan’s businesses, and serve as leaders in our communities, continuing to break through historic barriers; and,


WHEREAS, Michigan succeeds when women are able to stand in their truths and lead with their authentic and fully identified selves; and,


WHEREAS, Michigan women continue to break barriers, shatter ceilings, build ladders, connect bridges, and make history in seen and unseen ways every single day;


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim March 2020 as Women’s History Month in Michigan to recognize and celebrate the strides and accomplishments of the women of Michigan and to support their continued efforts for parity.