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July 2023: Lakes Appreciation Month


WHEREAS, lakes are among Michigan’s most valuable natural resources; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan is home to more than 11,000 inland lakes and its 3,000 miles of shorelines are shaped by four of the five Great Lakes; and,

WHEREAS, these lakes and shorelines are critical resources to Michigan’s environment and quality of life, providing sources of drinking water, irrigation, energy, commerce, recreation, scenic beauty, and habitat for fish and wildlife; and, 

WHEREAS, these beneficial uses have been of vital importance to Michigan’s history, growth, and financial health; and,

WHEREAS, these lakes are ranked among the best in the nation in regards to water quality, biological diversity, and integrity of healthy native plant and animal communities; and,

WHEREAS, invasive species, natural shoreland loss, and nutrient stressors continue to threaten the health of our lakes and shorelines, which will intensify as a result of climate change; and, 

WHEREAS, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and the Department of Natural Resources administer programs to monitor lakes, manage fisheries, permit aquatic invasive species control activities, and promote the best land management practices at the shoreline and shorelands; and,

WHEREAS, the Michigan Chapter of the North American Lakes Management Society engages state and local agencies, Native American Nations, outreach institutions like universities and other educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, businesses, industries, and residents in a collaborative effort to ensure the quality, sustainability and ecological diversity of lakes with considerations of society’s needs; and,

WHEREAS, maintaining the health of our lakes and shorelines is the responsibility of every resident, and through the Michigan Clean Water Corps, community volunteers have been organized and trained as lake monitors to bring education, resources and assistance to lake properties and their owners across the state; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan and the United States continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act and support efforts to sustain and enhance the quality of our nation’s lakes; and,

WHEREAS, the State of Michigan recognizes the need to protect these lakes and shorelines for future generations;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim July 2023 as Lakes Appreciation Month in Michigan.