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September 18-24, 2023: Pollution Prevention Week

Whereas, the quality and health of Michigan’s environment and natural resources are important to residents and tourists alike, who enjoy living or visiting the Great Lakes State; and,

Whereas, by focusing on pollution prevention, Michigan will continue to create businesses that are more efficient, innovative, competitive, and sustainable; and,

Whereas, pollution prevention, by means of reducing waste and toxic substances, reusing materials, and recycling, promotes environmental stewardship, which improves our communities and protects our natural resources for future generations; and,

Whereas, pollution prevention, by preventing greenhouse gas emissions, supports the MI Healthy Climate Plan and facilitates a just transition to a low carbon economy; and,

Whereas, Pollution Prevention Week is an opportunity to create awareness and take action to meet the challenges of maintaining prosperous communities, a healthy environment, an efficient government, and globally competitive businesses;

Now, Therefore, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim September 18-24, 2023, as Pollution Prevention Week in Michigan. I encourage all residents of this state to join in this observance and incorporate pollution prevention into their everyday activities.