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Special Bingo Workshop-Virtual

2023-04-26T10:30:00Z 2023-04-26T11:30:00Z Special Bingo Workshop-Virtual

Special Bingo Workshop- Click Here to Join 

Need a fundraising idea for your next event?  Join our FREE online special bingo workshop.  We will talk discuss how to obtain a special bingo license and where you can hold the event.  Have you next event at your club, restaurant or fair.  Theme your event around a holiday, a special cause, or the prizes awarded.  The event is scheduled for an hour with plenty of time for questions. We look forward to your attendance!

There will be additional trainings covering a variety of topics.  Make sure you are signed up for our emails to be the first to know.

If you have questions about these workshops or how to access them, please contact your local inspector or our main office at 517-335-5780 or

Call in (audio only) to the meeting at 1-248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID:  223 693 562# 


Event Date

Start: April 26, 2023 10:30 AM

End: April 26, 2023 11:30 AM

Contact Information

Special Bingo Workshop- Click Here to Join 

Need a fundraising idea for your next event?  Join our FREE online special bingo workshop.  We will talk discuss how to obtain a special bingo license and where you can hold the event.  Have you next event at your club, restaurant or fair.  Theme your event around a holiday, a special cause, or the prizes awarded.  The event is scheduled for an hour with plenty of time for questions. We look forward to your attendance!

There will be additional trainings covering a variety of topics.  Make sure you are signed up for our emails to be the first to know.

If you have questions about these workshops or how to access them, please contact your local inspector or our main office at 517-335-5780 or

Call in (audio only) to the meeting at 1-248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID:  223 693 562#