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Playing Card Progressive Raffles

Playing Card Progressive Raffles 

Due to the potential for large jackpots, the Playing Card Progressive Raffle is one of the most popular pre-approved alternative raffles.  A qualified organization must obtain a raffle license and comply with the bureau’s game instructions to conduct a Playing Card Progressive Raffle.

The license fee for a Playing Card Progressive Raffle is $50 for each drawing date (e.g., 52 drawing dates x $50 = $2,600 license fee), and the fee must be submitted with the completed application.  Organizations typically apply for 52 or 54 weekly drawing dates for this raffle, but fewer dates may be applied for.  When determining the number of drawing dates, keep in mind that a jackpot prize may not be carried over to another license, and dates may not be added to the license after it is issued.

The application for a Playing Card Progressive Raffle must include the list of drawing dates and the name, address, and phone number for at least two members of the organization who will serve as a chairperson for the raffle.  A chairperson must be a bona fide member of the organization applying for the license for at least six months.

If you have questions about the Playing Card Progressive Raffle or any other alternative raffle, please contact our office at 517-335-5789.

Pre-sale Tickets

If an organization intends to presell raffle tickets for its Playing Card Progressive Raffle, then a sample of the raffle ticket that will be used must be submitted with the application. Presale raffle tickets for a Playing Card Progressive Raffle must clearly indicate the correct drawing dates, and the top prize should include the percentage of raffle sales that will be contributed to the jackpot (see example).

No Pre-sale Tickets

A Playing Card Progressive Raffle may be conducted as an in-house raffle (i.e., with no presale of raffle tickets).  If an organization does not intend to presell tickets for its Playing Card Progressive Raffle, then roll-type tickets may be used.  A sample of the ticket does not need to be submitted with the application; however, the following conditions apply:

  • All tickets for an in-house raffle must be sold and all drawings must occur only on the drawing date and at the raffle location between the hours on the license. An application for an in-house raffle must include a beginning and ending event time that covers all ticket sales and drawings.
  • In-house raffle prizes must be claimed at the event. If the winning ticket purchaser is not present, or if the winning ticket purchaser is present but does not want to accept the prize, then another ticket stub must be drawn until a winner is present and the prize is claimed.

Since the jackpot increases based on ticket sales, most Playing Card Progressive Raffle tickets are presold.  If your organization intends to conduct a Playing Card Progressive Raffle as an in-house raffle, please make sure to indicate this on the application to avoid delays.

Playing Card Progressive Raffle      Game Records

All licensees conducting a Playing Card Progressive Raffle are required to complete a Progressive Raffle Accountability form for each drawing.  This form accounts for ticket sales and calculates the jackpot prize each week.  This form must be downloaded and completed electronically using Microsoft Excel.  The completed form must be printed immediately after each raffle drawing and retained with the licensee’s game records.  The deposit slip and winning ticket stub for the drawing must be attached to the form.

Playing Card Progressive Raffle  House Rule Guidelines and Example

House Rules are required for all raffles.  For information on creating house rules for your Playing Card Progressive Raffle, please review these guidelines and sample house rules.