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Annual Bingo Part One of Two-Online

2023-10-03T10:30:00Z 2023-10-03T11:30:00Z Annual Bingo Part One of Two-Online

Excited about 2023!! Planning on starting a new bingo or looking for some new ideas? New workers? New program? Join us to discuss all things bingo: game forms, record keeping, bingo rules, directives, Michigan Progressive Jackpot, game programs, charity game tickets, financial documents, and financial statements. 

This will be part one of a two part series.  Part two will be held in the afternoon of the same day and will wrap up anything not covered in the morning session.  We look forward to your attendance!

New Bingo Training Part 1 of a 2 Part Series- Click Here to Join the Meeting

This is a free event.  No reservation is required.

Call in only option is available-1 248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID: 511 727 685#


If you have questions about these presentations or need to request a reasonable accommodation to attend, please contact the main office at (517) 335-5780 or within 10 days of the scheduled event.
Event Date

Start: October 03, 2023 10:30 AM

End: October 03, 2023 11:30 AM

Contact Information

Excited about 2023!! Planning on starting a new bingo or looking for some new ideas? New workers? New program? Join us to discuss all things bingo: game forms, record keeping, bingo rules, directives, Michigan Progressive Jackpot, game programs, charity game tickets, financial documents, and financial statements. 

This will be part one of a two part series.  Part two will be held in the afternoon of the same day and will wrap up anything not covered in the morning session.  We look forward to your attendance!

New Bingo Training Part 1 of a 2 Part Series- Click Here to Join the Meeting

This is a free event.  No reservation is required.

Call in only option is available-1 248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID: 511 727 685#


If you have questions about these presentations or need to request a reasonable accommodation to attend, please contact the main office at (517) 335-5780 or within 10 days of the scheduled event.