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2024-01-23T11:30:00Z 2024-01-23T12:30:00Z Webinar-Raffles

Does my 50/50 need a license?  What about auctions?  Join our online webinar to learn about raffles.  How do I apply for a raffle license?  How long is it good for? What kind of raffle license is needed for my event?  Learn how to account for the tickets sold and money.

We will also discuss some popular “Alternative” raffles.  An alternative raffle uses a method other than the random drawing of a ticket stub to determine a winner.  Examples include the Progressive Card Raffle, Ball Drop Raffle, Playing Card Bingo Raffle, Duck Race Raffle, Daily 3 Daily 4 and several others.  Come with your questions.  This event is only scheduled for an hour with plenty of time for questions. We look forward to your attendance.

Tuesday, January 23rd, 1130am-1230pm EST

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Or call in (audio only) 1-248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID: 677 761 317# 

This online event is free.  No registration is required.  

If you have questions about these workshops or how to access them, please contact your local inspector, our main office at 517-335-5780, or

, Michigan
Event Date

Start: January 23, 2024 11:30 AM

End: January 23, 2024 12:30 PM

Contact Information
Training Contact Person

Does my 50/50 need a license?  What about auctions?  Join our online webinar to learn about raffles.  How do I apply for a raffle license?  How long is it good for? What kind of raffle license is needed for my event?  Learn how to account for the tickets sold and money.

We will also discuss some popular “Alternative” raffles.  An alternative raffle uses a method other than the random drawing of a ticket stub to determine a winner.  Examples include the Progressive Card Raffle, Ball Drop Raffle, Playing Card Bingo Raffle, Duck Race Raffle, Daily 3 Daily 4 and several others.  Come with your questions.  This event is only scheduled for an hour with plenty of time for questions. We look forward to your attendance.

Tuesday, January 23rd, 1130am-1230pm EST

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Or call in (audio only) 1-248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID: 677 761 317# 

This online event is free.  No registration is required.  

If you have questions about these workshops or how to access them, please contact your local inspector, our main office at 517-335-5780, or