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ACGT Licensee Training Videos

Training Videos for Annual Charity Game Ticket Licensees (Only):

Videos train annual charity game ticket licensees in all areas of accountability and recordkeeping. Viewing of the four videos is mandatory for the Principal Officer, all Chairpersons and all record keepers. These videos provide officers, chairpersons, and other workers with the responsibilities, rules, and completion of game records for charity game tickets. When prompted, sign in to the quizzing feature. This can also be used as a refresher tool, with or without quizzing.

The Annual Charity Game Ticket License Application and the Annual Charity Game Ticket License Renewal Application require certification from the Principal Officer that they, all Chairpersons, and all record keepers associated with the license, will view and understand the information contained in the training videos, and will contact their local inspector with any questions. No license will be issued without this certification.

ACGT Training Video #1 Licensee Overview  (10 1/2 minutes)

ACGT Training Video #2 Weekly Accountability (8 1/2 minutes)

ACGT Training Video #3 Financial Reporting (2 1/2 minutes)

ACGT Training Video #4 Protecting Your Profits (4 minutes)