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Performance Management User Guide Employee Reviews and Certifies the Performance Plan after Supervisor Certifies the Performance Plan

Note: After the plan is created, the next step is certifying the performance plan. A face to face meeting is required before the supervisor certifies the plan. The supervisor reviews the plan and agrees with the information entered. The supervisor can check the supervisor box which applies the electronic signature OR the supervisor can delay certifying until the employee has reviewed the plan and made any changes. The supervisor will review all sections and then certify. The date of certification appears next to the supervisor box.

Employee Certifies the Plan

An email notification is received that the supervisor has certified the plan. The employee cannot change a certified plan, only add comments.
Click Create/Update an Uncertified Plan button.
The current rating period will be displayed.
Click Competencies and review.
Note: Text cannot be copied or and pasted from a word document.
Click Comments button next to each competency that has a red asterisk displayed and review.
Click Development Plan button next to each competency and review.
Click Objectives/Factors button and review each objective.
Review the plan and certify by clicking the box under Employee in the Certification area of the Plan Menu. A pop-up message appears. Click OK. Click Exit.
Performance Plan is complete.