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Performance Management User Guide Supervisor Decertifies the Performance Plan

The supervisor or employee may want changes to the performance plan after the supervisor has certified it. Changes to the Performance Plan need to be made before the Performance Review is completed.

Supervisor Decertifies the Plan

Supervisor opens self-service account and clicks Manager/Performance Management/Main Menu.
Click on the specific employee name and the Performance Main Menu appears.
Verify correct employee name appears at the top.
Click Create/Update an Uncertified Plan if employee has not certified or click on the Modify a Certified Plan button if employee has certified.
Verify the current rating period.
Click on the box under Certification: Supervisor, next to the date to decertify the plan. A pop-up message appears. Click OK. The certification date will disappear.
Note: Once the Performance Plan is decertified, the plan can be edited by both the supervisor and the employee unless the supervisor selects the Prevent Employee Access button.
Note: The plan will have to be re-certified by both the supervisor and employee.