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A crane gently places the second story of a two-story white clapboard house onto the first story.

Get Involved

To fully renovate the home and develop new interpretive, programming and education space, significant funding is need. The Michigan History Foundation, the private foundation that supports the Michigan History Center, is managing the fundraising effort.

Fundraising has been divided into four distinct phases, the first of which was completed once the home was moved. Our fundraising goal to complete Phase 2 is $500,000. The funding will enable the project partners to conduct a comprehensive engineering and architectural assessment and to stabilize the house and begin its rehabilitation.

Then, over the next two to three years, exterior and interior work will be completed. Funding will also help develop interpretive and meeting spaces in the home to accommodate its new uses.

Fundraising Phases

PHASE 1 (Complete)

  • Secure new plat of land
  • Receive MSHDA grant for moving the home
  • Site preparation, foundation
  • Relocate home from Fairgrounds to Eastern Market

PHASE 2 (2021-2022)

Raise $500,000 for rehabilitation:

  • Comprehensive engineering/architectural assessment
  • Exterior rehabilitation
  • Interior rehabilitation
  • Installation of all utilities
  • Landscaping and gardens

PHASE 3 (2022)

Raise funds for active home use:

  • Exhibit development and installation
  • Programming space furniture and materials
  • Program development and implementation

PHASE 4 (2022+)

Raise funds to establish endowment for:

  • Maintenance
  • Staffing
  • Programming


To support this work, you can donate online or by check. In-kind donations are also welcome where appropriate. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Burns, Executive Director, Michigan History Foundation at or 517-282-0631.


Updated 07/14/2021