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Lake George Area of Interest (Lake George, Clare County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Kevin Wojciechowski, or 586-623-2948


Lake George is an unincorporated community in Lincoln Township, Clare County. The small community consists of two lakes, Lake George and Shingle Lake. A few small businesses are located in the community, along with seasonal and year around residents. Homes and businesses are serviced by individual drinking water wells and septic systems.

PFAS investigation in the Lake George area occurred as part of a statewide sampling effort in Fall 2021, EGLE sampled the Kleen Gene’s Laundromat, onsite potable well water (i.e., the influent), the treated wastewater in the final lagoon (i.e., the effluent), and two groundwater monitoring wells. PFAS was detected in all the samples, therefore, Kleen Gene’s Laundromat became an official MPART site in July 2022. Groundwater flows to the southwest from the site and away from the community of Lake George. The PFAS contamination found in drinking water in the community of Lake George is upgradient of Kleen Genes and indicates the PFAS is from another source(s).

Surface water PFAS samples were collected from Lake George and Shingle Lake. Shingle Lake was non-detect and Lake George had some detections but none above water quality values.

Content posted September 2024.


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Drinking water information

As of July 2024, 56 residents and businesses have been sampled for PFAS. 21 of the 56 wells sampled have been non-detect for PFAS. PFOA was detected in four residential wells at 8 ppt (criteria for PFOA is 8 ppt) and one residential well at 9 ppt. DHHS worked with Central Michigan Health Department to offer filters for all homes with any PFAS detections.

The community is not serviced by sanitary sewer or community water system. The closest community drinking water supply/sanitary sewer system is Harrison located approximately 10 miles to the northeast.

Anticipated activities

EGLE, DHHS, and local health will continue to evaluate drinking water data as it’s received and will expand the sampling area as necessary.