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Annual Bingo-Electronic Game Records Training-Online

2023-11-30T10:00:00Z 2023-11-30T11:30:00Z Annual Bingo-Electronic Game Records Training-Online

Online Electronic Bingo Game Records Training

Did your organization recently start a new bingo? Are you a new chairperson and looking for instruction on bingo game records.  Join us as we go through all required bingo game records.  We will discuss what forms your organization should be completing and how the records ensure accountability of your gaming event and protect profits.  Annual Bingo Game records are required to be completed on Bureau approved electronic game forms. Those forms can be accessed on our website or by using the links below.  You will need a computer and the Microsoft Excel program on that computer to participate in this training.  For more information about downloading forms or accessing excel contact us before the training for assistance. 

Electronic Bingo Game Records workbook

Bingo Card Monthly Inventory Form

Hotball Accountability Form

This is an online training no pre-registration is required.  

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Or audio only option: call 248-509-0316 Conference Id: 385 522 852

If you need to request a reasonable accommodation please contact the main office at (517) 335-5780 or within 10 days from the date of the workshop.

Please see our website for additional training opportunities both in person and online.


, Michigan
Event Date

Start: November 30, 2023 10:00 AM

End: November 30, 2023 11:30 AM

Contact Information

Online Electronic Bingo Game Records Training

Did your organization recently start a new bingo? Are you a new chairperson and looking for instruction on bingo game records.  Join us as we go through all required bingo game records.  We will discuss what forms your organization should be completing and how the records ensure accountability of your gaming event and protect profits.  Annual Bingo Game records are required to be completed on Bureau approved electronic game forms. Those forms can be accessed on our website or by using the links below.  You will need a computer and the Microsoft Excel program on that computer to participate in this training.  For more information about downloading forms or accessing excel contact us before the training for assistance. 

Electronic Bingo Game Records workbook

Bingo Card Monthly Inventory Form

Hotball Accountability Form

This is an online training no pre-registration is required.  

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Or audio only option: call 248-509-0316 Conference Id: 385 522 852

If you need to request a reasonable accommodation please contact the main office at (517) 335-5780 or within 10 days from the date of the workshop.

Please see our website for additional training opportunities both in person and online.