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Last Revised: June 14, 2024

The tables below contain statutes that the Director of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) implements directly or refers to as she implements other laws.

The tables are designed to assist the staff, consumers, and licensees in identifying laws key to DIFS’ regulatory mission.

Statutes are grouped as follows:

  • “Primary” where the Director does one or more of the following: issues licenses; undertakes enforcement actions; approves filings; evaluates financial statements; promulgates rules; and issues decisions. Primary statutes are further subdivided into their subject matter areas (e.g. Insurance, Banking, etc.)
  • “Secondary” where the Director has some duties (such as sitting on an advisory board) but not one of the primary duties.
  • “Related” where the Director refers to the statute in carrying out her duties, such as identifying standards for usury.
  • “Federal” if it is a federal law under which the Director has duties or that the Director refers to in carrying out her Michigan statutory duties.


Table of Statutes
Name Public Act MCL
Contracts with State and Local Government subject to Patient's Right to Independent Review 495 of 2006 550.1951 et seq.
Coordination of Benefits Act 64 of 1984 550.251 et seq.
Credit Insurance Act 173 of 1958 550.601 et seq.
Emergency Insurance Legislation 66 of 1933 550.1 et seq.
Health Benefit Agent Act 252 of 1986 550.1001 et seq.
Indemnification Reserve Fund Act 315 of 1977 390.1121 et seq.
Insurance Code of 1956 218 of 1956 500.100 et seq.
Intergovernmental Contracts between Municipal Corporations 35 of 1951 124.1 et seq.
Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact 679 of 2006 3.1031
Non-Profit Dental Care Corporations 125 of 1963 550.351 et seq.
Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act 350 of 1980 550.1101 et seq.
Office Agent; Set-Off For Damages 143 of 1935 550.231 et seq.
Patient's Right to Independent Review Act 251 of 2000 550.1901 et seq.
Pharmacy Benefit Manager Licensure and Regulation Act 11 of 2022 550.811 et seq.
Prudent Purchaser Act 233 of 1984 550.51 et seq.
Public Employees Health Benefit Act 106 of 2007 124.71 et seq.
Surprise Medical Billing Act 234 of 2020 333.24501 et seq.
Third Party Administrator Act 218 of 1984 550.901 et seq.
Viatical Settlement Contracts 386 of 1996 550.521 et seq.
Worker's Disability Compensation Act of 1969 317 of 1969 418.101 et seq.

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Name Public Act MCL
Banking Code of 1999 276 of 1999 487.11101 et seq.
Collective Investment Funds Act 174 of 1941 555.101 et seq.
Electronic Funds Transfer Act 322 of 1978 488.1 et seq.
Estates and Protected Individuals Code (EPIC) 386 of 1998 700.1101 et seq.
Michigan BIDCO Act 89 of 1986 487.1101 et seq.
Savings Bank Act 354 of 1996 487.3101 et seq.
Suspension of Business of Banks and Savings and Loan Associations 232 of 1978 487.941 et seq.

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Name Public Act MCL
Credit Union Act 215 of 2003 490.101 et seq.
Electronic Funds Transfer Act 322 of 1978 488.1 et seq.

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Name Public Act MCL
Consumer Financial Services Act 161 of 1988 487.2051 et seq.
Consumer Mortgage Protection Act 660 of 2002 445.1631 et seq.
Credit Card Arrangements Act 379 of 1984 493.101 et seq.
Credit Reform Act 162 of 1995 445.1851 et seq.
Debt Management Act 148 of 1975 451.411 et seq.
Deferred Presentment Service Transactions Act 244 of 2005 487.2121 et seq.
Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver Act 229 of 2009 492.21 et seq.
Money Transmission Services Act 250 of 2006 487.1001 et seq.
Mortgage Lending Practices Act 135 of 1977 445.1601 et seq.
Mortgage Loan Originator Licensing Act 75 of 2009 493.131 et seq.
Mortgage, Brokers, Lenders, and Servicers Licensing Act 173 of 1987 445.1651 et seq.
Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act 27 of 1950 492.101 et seq.
Regulatory Loan Act 21 of 1939 493.1 et seq.
Secondary Mortgage Loan Act 125 of 1981 493.51 et seq.

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Name Public Act MCL
Administrative Procedures Act 306 of 1969 24.201 et seq.
Freedom of Information Act 442 of 1976 15.231 et seq.
Michigan Consumer Protection Act 331 of 1976 445.901 et seq.
Michigan Financial Exploitation Prevention Act (FEPA) 344 of 2020 487.2081 et seq.
Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority 77 of 1960 390.960
Social Welfare Act 280 of 1939 400.111i
State Employees' Retirement Act 240 of 1943 38.3
Surplus Funds in Treasury 88 of 1979 21.146

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Name Public Act MCL
Beneficiary Accounts Act Credit Union Regulation 31 of 1992 490.81 et seq.
Business Corporation Act 284 of 1972 450.1101 et seq.
Credit Services Protection Act 160 of 1994 445.1821 et seq.
Credit Union Multiple-Party Account Act 41 of 1968 490.51 et seq.
Identity Theft Protection Act 452 of 2004 445.61 et seq.
Interest on Due and Unpaid Interest Act 11 of 1869 438.101
Interest Rates Act 326 of 1966 438.31 et seq.
Limousine, Taxicab, and Transportation Network Company Act 345 of 2016 257.2101 et seq.
Michigan Estate Tax Act 188 of 1899 205.201 et seq.
Michigan Lemon Law 87 of 1986 257.1401 et seq.
Michigan Mental Health Code 258 of 1974 330.1941
Michigan Penal Code 328 of 1931 750.1 et seq.
Michigan Strategic Fund Act 270 of 1984 125.2067
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act 198 of 1965 257.1101 et seq.
Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act 300 of 1974 257.1301 et seq.
Nonprofit Corporation Act 162 of 1982 450.2262
Public Health Code 368 of 1978 333.1101 et seq.
Release of Information for Medical Research and Education 270 of 1967 331.531
Social Welfare Act 280 of 1939 400.1 et seq.
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act 305 of 2000 450.831 et seq.

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Name Public Act MCL
Criminal Usury Act 259 of 1968 438.41 et seq.
Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act 453 of 1976 37.2101 et seq.
Executive Organization Act of 1965 380 of 1965 16.101 et seq.
Executive Reorganization Order No. 2000-2 E.R.O. No. 2000-2 445.2003
Executive Reorganization Order No. 2012-6 E.R.O. No. 2012-6 445.2034
Executive Order No. 2013-1
Exemption on Loans to Business Entities from Usury Statute 52 of 1970 438.61 et seq.
Home Improvement Finance Act 332 of 1965 445.1101 et seq.
Home Solicitation Sales Act 227 of 1971 445.111
Interest on Contracts Between Citizens of Michigan and other States 140 of 1861 438.151 et seq.
Lobbyists, Lobbying Agents, and Lobbying Activities 472 of 1978 4.411 et seq.
Management and Budget Act 431 of 1984 18.1101 et seq.
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act 154 of 1974 408.1001 et seq.
Michigan Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act 213 of 1982 449.1101 et seq.
Michigan Vehicle Code 300 of 1949 257.1 et seq.
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. 451 of 1994 324.101 et seq.
Occupational License for Former Offenders 381 of 1974 338.41 et seq.
Payment of Wages and Fringe Benefits Act 390 of 1978 408.471 et seq.
Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act 220 of 1976 37.1101 et seq.
Retail Installment Sales Act 224 of 1966 445.851 et seq.
State Contracts with Certain Employers Prohibited Act 278 of 1980 423.321 et seq.

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Name Public Act USC or CFR
Age Discrimination in Employment Act 29 USC 621 et seq.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 PL 111-5 Multiple Sections
Americans with Disabilities Act 42 USC 12101 et seq.
Bank Holding Company Act 12 USC 1841
Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 31 USC 5311 et seq.
Civil Rights Act 42 USC 1981 et seq.
Clayton Act 15 USC 1 et seq.
Community Reinvestment Act 12 USC 2901
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 26 USC 4980B et seq.
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act 40 USC 3702 et seq.
Davis-Bacon Act 40 USC 3141 et seq.
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Consumer Protection Act PL111-203 Multiple Sections
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act 15 USC Ch. 96
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 29 USC 1001 et seq.
Equal Credit Opportunity Act 15 USC 1691 et seq.
Fair Credit Reporting Act 15 USC 1681 et seq.
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 15 USC 1692 et seq.
Fair Housing Act 42 USC 3601 et seq.
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 29 USC 201 et seq.
Family Medical Leave Act 29 USC 651 et seq.
Federal Credit Union Act 12 USC 1751 et seq.
Federal Deposit Insurance Act 12 USC 1811 et seq.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act PL 91-351 12 USC 1451
Federal Reserve Act 12 USC 601 et seq.
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 PL 101-73 Multiple sections
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (Gramm, Leach, Bliley) PL 106-102 (includes all sections) Multiple sections
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act PL 104-191 110 Stat. 1936 42 USC 1320 et seq.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 PL 94-200 89 Stat. 1125 12 USC 2801 et seq.
Home Owners Loan Act 12 USC 1461 et seq.
Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act 15 USC 1601 et seq.
Liability Risk Retention Act 15 USC 3901 et seq.
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act 42 USC 1301 et seq.
Motor Carrier Act of 1980 49 USC 10101 et seq.
National Bank Act 12 USC 38
National Housing Act 12 USC 1701
No Surprises Act P.L. 116-260 Multiple Sections
Older Workers Benefit and Protection Act 29 USC 621 et seq.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act PL 111-148 Multiple Sections
Pollution Prevention Act 42 USC 13101 et seq.
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 PL 109-58 Multiple Sections
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 Regulations 17 CFR 250.1 et seq.
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act PL 93-533 88 Stat. 1724 12 USC 2601 et seq.
Regulation B of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act 12 CFR 202.1 et seq.
Regulation C of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 12 CFR 203 et seq.
Regulation CC of the Funds Availability Act 12 CFR 229.1 et seq.
Regulation DD of the Truth in Savings Act 12 CFR 230.1 et seq.
Regulation E of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act 12 CFR 205.1 et seq.
Regulation H of the Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System 12 CFR 208.1 et seq.
Regulation X of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act 24 CFR 3500 et seq.
Regulation Z of the Truth in Lending Act 12 CFR 226.1 et seq.
Robinson-Patman Act 15 USC 13 et seq.
Secure and Fair Enforcement Mortgage Licensing Act 12 USC 5101 et seq.
Sherman Act 15 USC 1 et seq.
Social Security Act 42 USC 1396 et seq.
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 PL 107-297 116 Stat. 2322 15 USC 6701
Trust Indenture Act Regulations 17 CFR 260.0-1 et seq.
Truth in Lending Act PL 104-29 109 Stat. 271 15 USC 1601 et seq.
Truth in Savings Act 12 USC 4301 et seq.
USA Patriot Act PL 107-56 115 Stat. 272 18 USC 2712

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