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Michigan Health Insurance Enrollment, Premiums, and Losses (FIS 322) Database Application

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In August 2016 DIFS introduced a new public portal allowing individuals to more easily access data submitted to DIFS on Michigan’s health insurance market.  Insurance companies authorized to do business in Michigan are required to submit annually to DIFS their Michigan health insurance enrollment, premium, and losses by business type and product.

Who can use this application?

  • Anyone may access the application.  Consumers, insurance companies, public researchers, and academics may find the data particularly useful to learn about Michigan’s health insurance market.

Do I need a DIFS Online Services account to access the data?

  • No.  You may access the data directly through the above link.

What years are available?

  • Although the online submission portal was introduced in 2015, data is available starting with calendar year 2011.

When is this application available?

  • The application is available anytime, although data for the most recent calendar year may not be available until the end of the submission window, typically March 31.

Can you search for a particular company and line of business?

  • Yes.  The application allows you to select one or more companies, and one or more business types and lines.

Can the data be exported?

  • Data will be generated on screen but you may also create reports in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word formats.  You may also export the raw data directly to Excel to customize your own reports and tables.

Looking to submit your company’s data?  Visit the Online Submission application.