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Benefit Plan Information

Review the links below to find detailed benefit plan information, booklets and available resources.

Benefit Plans:

Benefit Resources:

These booklets are not a contract. Rather, they are intended to be a summary description of benefits. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, if statements in this description differ from the applicable coverage documents, then the terms and conditions of those documents will prevail.

Health Insurance Marketplace Information
Under the federal health care reform law, the State of Michigan must provide a notice about the new Health Insurance Marketplace to its employees.  To learn more view the September 2013 Employee Benefits Bulletin.

Because the State of Michigan offers health care coverage that meets the government's standards for minimum value and affordability, you will not qualify for a federal subsidy if you are eligible for the State of Michigan's benefits.  As such, you will likely find more affordable coverage through our health plans.

However, if you are not eligible for State of Michigan benefits, you may consider the Health Insurance Marketplace.  During enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace you will be asked to complete an application in which, it will ask for employer health coverage information use the Health Insurance Marketplace Notice to assist with the completion of enrollment.  Visit for more information.