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Hearings Office

The Hearings Office provides formal hearings to address (1) grievance appeals by non-exclusively represented employees who have exhausted appeals available with their appointing authority, (2) unfair labor practice charges, (3) labor-relations appeals, and (4) other appeals authorized by the civil service rules and regulations. The Hearings Office also conducts representation elections.

Note:  Effective October 1, 2015, all filings with the Hearings Office must be by email to

Applicable Rules and Regulations

  • 6.02 Unfair Labor Practice Charges
  • 8.01 Grievance and Grievance Appeal Procedures
  • 8.06 Computing Time and Filing Documents
Forms Hearings Office Location:

Capitol Commons Center
400 S. Pine Street, Suite 102
Lansing, MI 48933

Note: This is the address for hand and courier deliveries to the hearings office.

If you have additional questions or comments, please contact the Hearings Office at or 517-241-9096.