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September 7, 2023, Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Michigan Infrastructure Council 

Q3 Meeting September 07, 2023

Meeting held at

7285 Parsons Dr, Dimondale, MI 48821 (Treasury Operations Center) and electronically using TEAMs

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairperson, John Weiss called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    1. Let the record show that six (6) voting members were present and seven (7) non-voting members were present. A quorum was established.
  3. Public Comments
    1. No public comment
  4. Approval of Meeting Agenda – September 07, 2023
    1. Motion by Kathleen Lomako to approve meeting agenda.
      1. Motion supported by Beverly Watts.
      2. Motion carried without dissent.
  5. Approval of Minutes – June 08, 2022
    1. Motion by Palencia Mobley to approve the minutes as presented for meeting held on June 08, 2023.
      1. Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako.
      2. Daniel Fredendall abstained from voting due to absence.
      3. Motion carried without dissent.
  6. MIC Program Updates
    1. Nathan Hamilton – AM Champions
      1. Nathan Hamilton reported cohort 5 for the AM Champion program began on August 1 with 120 participants. Cohort 6 of the program will begin in January 2023.
      2. Iain Cranston, consultant and lead trainer, gave a brief overview of the AM Champion program and objectives and discussed future educational opportunities for the MIC. 
      3. Aaron Keatley, EGLE, discussed efforts working with WAMC to develop low-cost asset management plan templates for drinking water systems.
    2. Kathleen Lomako – 30-Year Strategy
      1. Kathleen Lomako provided a 30-Year Strategy update detailing additional action items and policies to be incorporated into the Strategy.
      2. Nilmino Roberts, WSP lead strategist for the 30-Year Strategy, provided a brief overview of 30-Year Strategy progress with next deliverables including a 60% Strategy draft to be delivered by September 15. Also, a 90% draft will be submitted to the MIC in late October. Lastly, a final submission will be completed in late November.
    3. Ryan Laruwe – MIC Project Portal
      1. Beverly Watts reported Project Portal 2.0 continues work in the system security plan phase to mitigate security risks to SOM systems which will likely be completed by December 2023.
  7. Executive Director Report
    1. FY23 Annual Report – Ryan Laruwe provided an overview of the MIC’s work from FY23 and discussed the development of the annual report due on September 30th to the legislature.
      1. Ryan requested professional photos from the membership to complete the annual report.
    2. FY23 Budget Update – Ryan Laruwe gave an overview of the FY23 budget and reported the MIC have spent 65% of its budget.
  8. Old Business
    1. No old business
  9. New Business
    1. MIC & MIO MOU
      1. Ryan Laruwe informed the Council of an opportunity to develop a strategic partnership with the Michigan Infrastructure Office (MIO) through a transfer of funds. The MOU as detailed in the packet’s memorandum of understanding which would entail the MIC collaborating with MIO to operate a Technical Assistance Center to provide local and tribal governments grant consulting services, MIC and MIO would coordinate strategic communication efforts, and the MIC and MIO would collaborate to create a local infrastructure dashboard to assist utility managers and local officials with benchmarking system performance. The proposed MIC and MIO MOU transfers funds of $1,250,000 of the MIC’s dollars to MIO for expanding program and services.  The partnership allows the MIC to support local governments develop and implement improved asset management.
      2. Approval of Memorandum with Michigan Infrastructure Office and Transfer of Funds [2023-4]
        1. Motion by Kathleen Lomako to adopt Resolution 2023-4.
        2. Motion supported by Beverly Watts
        3. Motion carried without dissent
        4. Resolution 2023-4 adopted by majority vote
    2. TAMC Partnership IRT
      1. Joanna Johnson informed the Council that the Investment Reporting Tool (IRT) needs a “substantial upgrade” costing approximately $250,000. The $250,000 amount is approximately 14% of the TAMC annual budget allocation. TAMC was informed by the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) in the summer of 2023 that the IRT would be no longer supported with vendor updates for functionality and security. Therefore, to ensure continued support of the IRT the DTMB Center for Shared Solutions (CSS) has proposed a FY24 special project to transition the IRT to a modern framework. Joanna stated that TAMC is requested assistance from the MIC with funding the effort to modernize the IRT framework which would cost the MIC $250,000.
      2. Approval of Funds Transfer to Support the Updating and Upgrading of the Transportation Asset Management Councils Investment Reporting Tool [2023-05]
        1. Motion by Palencia Mobley to adopt Resolution 2023-5.
        2. Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako
        3. John Weiss requested a roll call vote for Resolution 2023-5
          1. Roll call vote: John Weiss (No), Marco Bruzzano (Yes), Daniel Fredendall (Yes), Kathleen Lomako (Yes), Kathleen Lomako (Yes), Palencia Mobley (Yes), Beverly Watts (Yes)
        4. Resolution 2023-5 adopted by majority vote
    3. MIC Work Plan 2024 [2023-6]
      1. Ryan informed the Council of the FY24 work plan intent which includes a continued investment in the AM Champions program, expanding educational opportunities, relaunching the Project Portal, and increasing outreach and engage for the 30-Year Strategy and its recommendations. The work plan also includes the strategic partnership with MIO and expanding asset management tools for local communities.
      2. Approval of the 2024 MIC Workplan
        1. Motion by Kathleen Lomako to adopt Resolution 2023-6
        2. Motion supported by Beverly Watts
        3. Motion carried without dissent
        4. Resolution 2023-6 adopted by majority vote
  10. Council Reports
    1. Water Asset Management Council
      1. Sue McCormick was absent for the meeting.
      2. Daniel Fredendall informed the Council of three openings for the WAMC and advised recruiting for positions. Daniel stated that he could send an email to detail openings. Positions that will become available after 12/31/2023 include - a member representing an authority, a member representing the water infrastructure association, and a member from the Michigan Association of Counties. Cameron Van Wyngarden will replace Sue McCornick on the nominations committee for the appointments this term since Sue’s term is ending.
    2. Transportation Asset Management Council
      1. Joanna Johnson informed the council of the TAMC 2023 Conference which will be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 from 8:00am – 4:00pm at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel (Grand Rapids).
      2. Joanna reported TAMC will revisit their budget in FY24.
  11. Round-table Discussion
    1. John Weiss informed the membership that he will not seek reappointment at the end of his term expiration of 12/31/2023.
  12. Next Meeting Date
    1. Thursday, December 07, 2023, at 1:00 pm.
  13. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm.

Roll Call:


  • John Weiss
  • Kathleen Lomako
  • Marco Bruzzano
  • Daniel Fredendall
  • Beverly Watts
  • Palencia Mobley
  • Eric Swanson, DTMB (non-voting)
  • Jonathan Mallek, MDARD (non-voting)
  • Aaron Keatley, EGLE (non-voting)
  • Erik Eklund, MDNR (non-voting)
  • Todd White, MDOT (non-voting)
  • Charyl Kirkland, MPSC (non-voting)
  • Joanna Johnson, TAMC (non-voting)


  • Erin Kuhn
  • John Daly, III
  • Jessica Thomas, Treasury (Attended Virtually) (non-voting)
  • Sue McCormick, TAMC (non-voting)