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AM Champions

About the AM Champion Program

The Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) Asset Management Champion Program sets out to establish a network of talented individuals and organizations to help strengthen and "champion" best practice asset management across Michigan's complex infrastructure environment. Participants graduate by completing a mix of training, group coaching, building their peer network and accessing industry learning. The program supports the statutory responsibilities of the MIC as established in P.A. 323 of 2018, P.A. 324 of 2018 and P.A. 325 of 2018.

AM Champions Program Overview

Asynchronous Modules

9 lessons featuring asset management content and interactive activities. All material aligns with the 5 topic areas in the MIC AMRS.

Facilitated Discussion and Peer Interaction

Three 90-minute, in-depth thematic discussion sessions with peers and industry leaders.

Industry Learning

Access to a comprehensive library of webinars and presentations from the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) and newly developed case studies from Michigan Infrastructure owners.

Establish Community

Establish a community of AM champions to seed peer relationships and build a network of asset management leaders across the state and across infrastructure silos.

Fostering a Culture of Asset Management

Become an Asset Management Champion

The Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) is welcoming a new cohort of leaders into the Asset Management (AM) Champion Program. This program will establish a network of talented individuals and organizations to help strengthen and “champion” best practice asset management across Michigan’s complex infrastructure environment.

Accepting scholarship applications for sessions in 2025. Space is limited.