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November 21, 2024

Michigan Infrastructure Council Meeting  

November 21, 2024   

Michigan Department of Treasury Operations Center   

7285 Parsons Dr, Dimondale, MI 48821     


  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairperson called the meeting to order at 1:11pm
  2. Roll Call    
    1. Present: Palencia Mobley, Erin Kuhn, Kathleen Lomako, Beverly Watts, Sue McCormick, Sarah Plumer, Quinn Sharkey, Jonathan Mallek, Aaron Keatley, Dan Lord, Eric Swanson, Todd White
    2. Absent: Marco Bruzzano, John Daly III, Doug Matthews, Charles Marshall
    3. Virtual attendance: Kevin Smith, Cynthia Creisher, Kevin Spence, Jaime Fleming
    4. Quorum not present, business could not be conducted
  3. Public Comment   
    1. none 
  4. MIC Written Program Updates 
    1. Members were referred to view the packet for written updated and the program chairs fielded any questions members had
  5. MIC Committee Updates
    1. Ryan Laruwe gave a staff update and fielded any questions from members.
  6. Old Business   
    1. None 
  7. New Business
    1. No business was conducted as no quorum was present.
  8. Council Updates
    1. Water Asset Management Council
      1. Sue McCormick thanked the council for the funding for the strategic planning session and plans to solicit the councils advise on the final draft.
    2. Transportation Asset Management Council
      1. Sarah Plumer gave an update on the TAMC and fielded any questions from members.
  9. Roundtable Discussion
    1. Integrated Infrastructure Conference
      1. Members discussed when the next conference should be held and explored locations. A Planning committee will be established in the new year and anyone interested in joining can reach out to MIC staff.
  10. Next Meeting Date
    1. To be determined – meeting will be held prior to the end of 2024 to conduct business necessary by bylaws at the annual meeting
  11. Adjournment
    1. No quorum was present to adjourn - meeting ended at 2:52