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September 5, 2024
Michigan Infrastructure Council Meeting
September 5, 2024
Michigan Department of Treasury Operations Center
7285 Parsons Dr, Dimondale, MI 48821
- Call to Order
- Chairperson, Palencia Mobley, P.E. called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m.
- Roll Call
- Let the record show that eight (8) voting members and six (6) non-voting members were present. A quorum was established.
- Public Comment
- No Public Comment.
- Approval of Agenda
- Motion to amend the agenda to include Resolution 2024-07 – “Resolution Approving MIC Member Research and Advising” in the new business.
- Motion made by Erin Kuhn.
- Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako.
- Motion carried without dissent to amend agenda to include Resolution 2024-07.
- Motion to amend the agenda to include Resolution 2024-07 – “Resolution Approving MIC Member Research and Advising” in the new business.
- Approval of Proposed Minutes from the meeting held on June 21, 2024
- Motion to approve 2024 MIC Q2 Meeting Minutes.
- Motion made by Charles Marshall.
- Motion supported by Doug Matthews.
- Motion carried without dissent.
- Motion to approve 2024 MIC Q2 Meeting Minutes.
- MIC Program Committee Updates
- Chairperson Palencia Mobley P.E. asked members to refer to written reports located in the quarterly meeting packet - attachment 3.
- Integrated Infrastructure Conference
- Emilee Madison, MIC Departmental Analyst provided a conference report to the Council.
- MIC membership expressed positive feedback concerning the Integrated Infrastructure Conference. MIC/TAMC/WAMC Leadership will decide on conference planning next steps at their next meeting.
- MIC Committee Updates
- Ryan Laruwe reported committee responsibilities and updates to the Council.
- Administration – A focus area will be proactive MIC appointments. The conference planning and other joint council efforts will be housed here. Also, governance will be handled through this group, with activities such as bylaws review and formalizing an onboarding process.
- Nominations – No changes from original purpose.
- Communications – As the MIC updates former materials (one-pagers, brochures, etc.) this committee will provide expertise to form messages that land well with the public and are comprehensive.
- Asset Management Education – MIC will expand beyond the AM Champions and AMRS programs. This group will work to oversee this expansion. Some programs include the elected officials training and the citizens guide to expand education efforts to new audiences.
- Rates, Funding, and Finance – One area of committee focus will be on rates education to locals and educating citizens on this as well.
- Kathleen Lomako – Stated this will be a very complicated topic and need to make sure we are educating people on the funding of systems as well.
- Ryan Laruwe – Announced that we are currently working with Jan Beecher at the MSU Institute of Public Utilities to help us brainstorm what this might look like, and that this effort will also continue under this committee.
- Climate Adaptation & Resilience – Committee will spearhead the NexGen Highways initiative through the Great Plains Institute. This will be a good opportunity to bring together stakeholders including the MPSC and MDOT. Lastly, staff are working on the Direct Pay Tax Credits through the MIO partnership and this effort will continue through this committee.
- Emerging Tech & Systems – MiDIG will be housed within this committee, but it will also include other systems and programs we pursue. Another initiative out of this group will be the free ATOM software pilot that will be managed through this committee. The committee will work to identify communities to be selected for this pilot and aim to align this pilot program with helping communities with compliance. Lastly, he stated that the RICH hubs will have oversight through this committee.
- Ryan Laruwe reported committee responsibilities and updates to the Council.
- MIC Staff Updates
- Ryan Laruwe provided a staff update report to the Council (full report is in attachment 4)
- Legislative reporting requirements – Ryan stated that while we have always only done one annual report, we can split it into two reports per our legislation, a fiscal year workplan report to the legislature and then an annual report on the state of Asset Management. He stated that this year we are going to submit the September workplan to the legislature and then have the Annual Report be put out in the end of this year. The Annual Report will be shown to the council at the annual meeting in November and published the end of the year.
- Ryan Laruwe provided a staff update report to the Council (full report is in attachment 4)
- Old Business
- No old business
- New Business
- Memorandum of Understanding – SEMCOG [Resolution 2024-05].
- Motion to approve the resolution made by John Daly III, PhD.
- Motion supported by Beverly Watts.
- Roll Call Vote: The Council approved Resolution 2024-05 as presented without dissent.
- Motion to approve the resolution made by John Daly III, PhD.
- Legislative Report for Fiscal Year 2024 [Resolution 2024-06]
- Motioned to consider the resolution made by Beverly Watts.
- Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako
- Discussion
- Erin Kuhn inquired if Resolution 2024-06 is the final workplan budget we voted on in the past.
- Ryan Laruwe stated Resolution 2024-06 is an estimated workplan for the next three years that do not yet have final numbers, these will come from RFPs.
- Edits to Resolution 2024-06 was suggested by Council members.
- Charles Marshall & Palencia Mobley P.E. both stated that there are some errors in the budget numbers.
- Marco Bruzzano stated we should add the word “training” after elected officials.
- Ryan Laruwe – Stated these edits will be made following the meeting before getting submitted to the legislature.
- Motion to approve Resolution 2024-06 upon suggested revisions made by Beverly Watts
- Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako
- Roll Call Vote: The Council approved Resolution 2024-06 with revisions without dissent.
- Erin Kuhn inquired if Resolution 2024-06 is the final workplan budget we voted on in the past.
- Resolution Approving MIC Member Research and Advising [Resolution 2024-07]
- Motioned by Kathleen Lomako
- Motion supported by Beverly Watts
- Questions & Discussion
- John Daly III gave background on the training program and the costs associated with it.
- Ryan Laruwe stated that one important part of the Michigan Infrastructure Act legislation is informing and advising the legislature on infrastructure related topics. After the completion of training programs, we are asking that the council member who participated create a module for our learning platform.
- Motion to vote on the resolution made by Kathleen Lomako
- Motion supported by Beverly Watts.
- Roll Call Vote: The Council approved Resolution 2024-07 as presented without dissent.
- John Daly III, PhD abstained from the vote due to the conflict of interest.
- Motioned by Kathleen Lomako
- Memorandum of Understanding – SEMCOG [Resolution 2024-05].
- Council Reports
- Water Asset Management Council
- No WAMC members were present for meeting. See attached written report in Q3 packet.
- Transportation Asset Management Council
- Joanna Johnson stated that TAMC now has a 2.3 million budget with a $500,000 increase. At their September meeting they allocated an additional $75,000 for new culvert data collection and approved a Culvert Data Collection Award. They also finalized and approved their internal process on public act 325 on the compliance due dates of the TAMPs.
- Joanna also announced that Michigan Technological University has a new course called Civil Asset Management that is a 2024 fall semester course that is potentially the first in the country.
- Water Asset Management Council
- Roundtable Discussion
- None
- Next Meeting Date
- November 21, 2024
- Adjournment
- Motion by Erin Kuhn to approve meeting adjournment.
- Motion supported by Doug Matthews.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:53pm.
- Motion by Erin Kuhn to approve meeting adjournment.
Roll Call:
- Chairperson Palencia Mobley P.E.
- Co-Vice Chair Kathleen Lomako
- Co-Vice Chair Erin Kuhn
- Beverly Watts
- Charles Marshall
- Doug Matthews
- Marco Bruzzano
- John Daly III, PhD
- Joanna Johnson
- Charyl Kirkland
- Jonathan Mallek
- Daniel Lord
- Eric Swanson
- Todd White
- Sue McCormick
- Aaron Keatley
- Jessica Thomas (virtual attendance)
MIC Resolution 2024-05 (Approving Funding for Southeast Michigan Council of Governments Regional Infrastructure Coordination Hub) Roll Call:
- Palencia Mobley, P.E. – Yes
- Erin Kuhn – Yes
- Kathleen Lomako – Yes
- Marco Bruzzano – Yes
- John Daly III, PhD – Yes
- Beverly Watts – Yes
- Charles Marshall – Yes
- Doug Matthews – Yes
MIC Resolution 2024-06 (Approving Michigan Infrastructure Council Legislative Report for Fiscal Year 2024) Roll Call:
- Palencia Mobley, P.E. – Yes
- Erin Kuhn – Yes
- Kathleen Lomako – Yes
- Marco Bruzzano – Yes
- John Daly III, PhD – Yes
- Beverly Watts – Yes
- Charles Marshall – Yes
- Doug Matthews – Yes
MIC Resolution 2024-07 (Approving MIC Council Member Research and Advising) Roll Call:
- Palencia Mobley, P.E. – Yes
- Erin Kuhn – Yes
- Kathleen Lomako – Yes
- Marco Bruzzano – Yes
- John Daly III, PhD – Abstained
- Beverly Watts – Yes
- Charles Marshall – Yes
- Doug Matthews – Yes
- Ryan Laruwe
- Emilee Madison
- Nathan Hamilton