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TAMC Meeting Minutes July 6 2022


July 6, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.



  1. Welcome – Call-To-Order
    1. The meeting was called-to-order at 1:00 p.m..Everyone was welcomed to the meeting.
  2. Changes or Additions to the Agenda
    1. None
  3. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items
    1. None
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of the April 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes
    2. TAMC Financial Report
      1. R. Green provided an updated copy of the TAMC Budget Financial Report.
    3. R. Slattery made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda; R. Buck seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
  5. Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) Update
    1. R. Laruwe, MIC Executive Director discussed WAMC and they completed their annual report.They also sent out a water asset management survey and received responses from 42 percent of the surveys they sent out.They received 113 out of the 270 surveys sent out.There is a huge need for water asset management.They plan to develop some systems to assist with this. There is a need for training and funding to progress the water asset management.
    2. The next kick-off for the next Champions Program will take place on August 24, 2022.R. Laruwe invited the Council to share this information with others and invite them to participate.There were no allocations in the EGLE state budget specifically for WAMC. With the TAMC website now under the MIC, the MIC looks forward to the added coordination and collaboration of resources with the TAMC.
  6. Presentations and Announcements
    1. Gary Mekjian Resignation and Replacement
      1. A letter has been received from the Michigan Municipal League requesting that James Hurt, Public Services Director from the City of Grand Rapids, replace Gary Mekjian on the TAMC.
    2. State Transportation Commission July 28, 2022 Meeting
      1. J. Johnson will request the appointment of J. Hurt to the TAMC at the July 28, 2022, State Transportation Commission Meeting as well as, present the TAMC 2021 Michigan Roads and Bridges Annual Report.J. Hurt was welcomed to the TAMC.G. Mekjian was thanked for his service to the TAMC.
  7. Old Business
    1. TAMC Coordinator Update
      1. T. White continues to work with R. Laruwe on the necessary requirements and details for the position.J. Johnson thanked G. Strong, R. Green, and D. Jennett for their added assistance to the TAMC.
  8. Committee Review and Discussion Items
    1. Bridge Committee Update
      1. A presentation was provided from MDOT staff to the Bridge Committee on the new National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) and Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI) requirements. In May 2022 they were published in the public register, they became effective
        June 6, 2022, and in January 2025 they will begin collecting data per the specifications for the NBIS. This subject as well as any bridge updates may be a presentation at the September 28, 2022 TAMC 20-Year Celebration and Conference.Nothing new to report for culvert activities.
      2. TAMC congratulated Rebecca Curtis, TAMC Bridge Committee Chair, on her recent promotion as the new MDOT Chief Bridge Engineer and Director of the Bureau of Bridges and Structures (BOBS).
    2. ACE Committee Update
      1. The TAMC ACE Committee met this morning.R. Buck was voted in as chair for TAMC ACE Committee and T. White will be vice-chair. The TAMC ACE Committee discussed only holding their meetings virtually at 10:30 am on the first Wednesday of the month and the meetings not being so formal and how that relates to the changes being made to the TAMC website.The ACE Committee also discussed possibly eliminating having meeting minutes or formal actions since this is a sub-committee of TAMC and placing contact information on the TAMC website to have someone available to answer questions regarding TAMC ACE Committee tasks.
    3. 20 Year TAMC Celebration and Conference
      1. G. Strong was absent today from ACE Committee meeting, so an official update was not provided and not much was discussed at today’s meeting.The Conference Planning Committee has met, and good progress is being made on the event. The 2022 Conference agenda is near completion and G. Strong is making calls to legislatures and past award recipients regarding their possible attendance to the conference.
    4. Asset Management Orientation for New Staff
      1. The ACE Committee discussed pulling together an adhoc committee in order to discuss how to onboard new people to data collection and TAMC policies and processes. No additional progress has been made on this.
      2. A presentation was given at this morning’s ACE Committee meeting regarding the recent virtual trainings and how people were reacting to various distresses and ratings they are receiving.
      3. The ACE Committee is looking at the current funding allocations for the MPOs/RPOs and have a good sense of where the numbers that TAMC currently has for them came from and are justified. The Committee is to provide rational for how TAMC came to give the fund allocations. B. McEntee recalled that the Council discussed in the past the per mile cost, the length of the region, and any ancillary activities the region was involved in would determine what amount will be allocated to that region. The Committee talked about other things that they may want to consider towards allocations like NFC, population, miles, etc.If anyone has any ideas that they feel the ACE Committee should be looking at, they will add that information to the scenarios they are going to put together and provide that information to the Council.
      4. People have reached out to MTU for them to do additional PASER trainings.MTU suggested doing an additional virtual training at the end of August.MTU has enough funds in their current budget to do an additional training. The Council agreed that MTU should do another virtual PASER training at the end of August 2022. MTU will get that scheduled.
    5. Website Update
      1. The TAMC website has been moved under the Michigan Department of Treasury under MIC.MDOT’s timeline for the changes have been changed and many people have not been trained for the new website.The format for the agenda packets and meeting minutes will be changed to assure that they are ADA compliant. TAMC now has access to the Act 51 teams EGov Delivery to distribute TAMC correspondence and notices.
      2. If anyone is interested in being on an adhoc website committee should contact D. Jennett.Wayne Harrall, from the TAMC Bridge Committee, has volunteered to be on the adhoc website committee.It is felt a message should be sent out letting people know about the website changes and more changes will be coming.This message could also be given at trainings.Use to get to our new page.
    6. Data Committee Update
      1. The Data Committee had discussions on putting together a timetable for key tasks that need to be done, such as for the annual report.The timetable needs to include when the data needs to be ready to go and when it needs to be added to the TAMC website.E. Costa continues to wait for agencies to upload their data into the IRT to complete his analysis. There are still 13 counties still outstanding.
      2. There was a recommendation from TAMC Data Committee to have G. Strong post a quarterly or bi-annually update on agencies that have submitted their TAMPs into the IRT.The Data Committee would also like to show any improvement that agencies have found following their TAMPs.The Data Committee will be working on a data sharing agreement between TAMC and MDOT.The other discussion is what is going to be TAMC’s policy going to be with the PASER data.
      3. The ACE Committee should also look at the TAMC policy for data sharing and discuss if it should go through as a FOIA request.Most of the data is available on the IRT however, some requests want it put in a different format.
      4. E. Costa did a map showing road segments of PASER ratings had increased significantly over prior ratings but no project had been reported for that segment.It could be the impact of utility projects where they were done under a permit and the repaved or road service, but it does not show up as a road owner project.It is felt it may be a MIC related subjected.It will not show up as a project that is done on their federal aid system. TAMC Data Committee will need to discuss how to deal with these projects that are done by other agencies. The difficult part is the funding per cost per mile.
      5. D. Jennett had 300 copies made of the 2021 Michigan Roads and Bridges Annual Report and they are available for distribution.
      6. Mark Holmes, DTMB/CSS has asked C. Granger to look at budget plans for DTMB/CSS for FY 2023 TAMC tasks.CSS would like TAMC to look at any larger tasks they will need CSS to complete next year and let C. Granger know.Looking at the Strategic Work Program may help with the budget plans.For FY 2024, J. Johnson feels TAMC will need to look at and ask for additional allocations to complete TAMC tasks.
  9. Public Comments
    1. None
  10. Member Comments
    1. R. Buck thanked R. Laruwe for attending today’s meeting.
    2. J. Johnson will be looking at the TAMC schedule, strategic planning update from all committees, and lastly, she will be looking at the committee assignments for the Council members.
    3. There was a question in the work plan under the bridge committee section develop a performance metrics for culverts. The Bridge Committee is to propose the metrics to the Council.
  11. Adjournment
    1. The meeting adjourned at 1:49 p.m.The next meeting is scheduled for August 3, 2022, 1:00 p.m., MDOT Aeronautics Building Auditorium, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, Michigan.

Roll Call:

Members Present

  • Ryan Buck, MTPA, Lansing, MI
  • Joanna Johnson, CRA, Lansing, MI – Chair
  • Bill McEntee, CRA, Lansing, MI – Vice-Chair
  • Gary Mekjian, MML, Lansing, MI
  • Robert Slattery, MML, Lansing, MI
  • Brad Wieferich, MDOT, Lansing, MI
  • Kelly Jones, MAC

Support Staff Present:

  • Tim Colling, MTU/LTAP
  • Eric Costa, MDOT
  • Cheryl Granger, DTMB/CSS
  • Rob Green, MDOT
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT
  • Eric Mullen, MDOT

Public Present:

  • Lina Chapman, MDOT
  • Ryan Laruwe, MIC, Treasury

Members Absent:

  • Jacob Hurt, MAR
  • Rob Surber, DTMB/CSS
  • Jennifer Tubbs, MTA
  • Todd White, MDOT