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TAMC Meeting Minutes October 5 2022


October 5, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.


  1. Welcome – Call-To-Order
    1. The meeting was called-to-order at 1:03 p.m. Everyone was welcomed to the meeting.
  2. Changes or Additions to the Agenda
    1. J. Johnson shared an email dated 9/28/2022 with the Council, Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC), Water Asset Management Council (WAMC), and the State Transportation Commission (STC) from Douglas Radcliff North.  Although the email is somewhat unclear and touches on many subjects, it was determined it was in part regarding using monies from insurance and trying to tie those monies into the state infrastructure.  No response will be given to the email.    
    2. Motion:  J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the agenda as amended; R. Green seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all members present. 
  3. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items
    1. None
  4. Announcements
    1. State Transportation Commission 07/28/22, Meeting Update: Welcome New Appointments
      1. James Hurt, MML, City of Grand Rapids (Replacing Gary Mekjian)
      2. Rob Green, MDOT (Replacing Todd White)
  5. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of the July 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)
    2. TAMP Approvals (Attachment 2) – City of Roseville recommended for approval.
      1. TAMPs Group C Update Due 10/01/2022 – 22 TAMPs out of 40 TAMPs received as of 10/03/2022
    1. TAMC 2023 Budget Approval (Attachment 3)
      1. The Council reviewed the recommended TAMC 2023 Budget provided by R. Green.  Minor changes to the budget were noted and will be corrected by R. Green. 
    1. MTU 2023 Training Work Plan Proposal (Attachment 4)
    2. MTU 2023 Activities Work Plan Proposal (Attachment 5)
      1. The ACE Committee and Council reviewed the MTU 2023 Training and Activities Work Plan Proposals submitted from T. Colling. There were no oppositions.
      2. Motion: R. Slattery made a motion to approve the consent agenda with one amendment to the July 6, 2022, meeting minutes. K. Jones arrived late but was present at the
        July 6, 2022, meeting; J. Tubbs seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
  6. Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) Update – J. Johnson
    1. MIC Strategy – Transport Asset Snapshot (Attachment 6)
      1. MIC continues to work on the Transport Asset Snapshot. J. Johnson, R. Buck and
        R. Green provided comments. MIC continue to look for any feedback. The document shows the value and cost to bring the system up to a certain condition. The information is good to have, and it is good to think about how investments are used in an appropriate way and in the most cost-effective way.
      2. Following are results of the discussion regarding the Transport Asset Snapshot.
        J. Johnson will share the comments received with MIC:
      3. No one from MIC reached out to MDOT for any of the figures provided in the snapshot. This has not been shared with the County Road Association (CRA) or anyone else. It probably should be shared. They are missing pieces and parts.
      4. The Transportation Asset Snapshot is MDOT centric throughout.  Confuses MDOT goals with local agencies. Example page 3 is MDOT as in the goal of pump stations.  What is the system we are referring to in the snapshot:  Federal Aid, NHS, Primary, etc.? The snapshot does not include the full network. It is important that the MIC show the sources used to populate the charts and information provided in the report. E. Costa stated some information in the report did not match his numbers. It would be good to know what the MIC is referencing that would help to make sense of some of the information in the report. If anyone would like to get any feedback from their respective agencies that would be fine.
      5. Page 16 Table 3:  There was some discussion on the valuation areas; what might be available at the local level vs. State.  Is there a gap in compiling the data from the Act 51 reports? Also, the discussion consensus was for “Other Assets” to deleted “Bridges Under 20 feet in length,” because these are considered culverts which is in the next line.  If you want to add Bridges – those are over 20 feet.
      6. For public partnerships they need to list more partners and not be narrow-focused. There were also a few typos noted in the report.
    2. Asset Management Champions Program

      The MIC has started their second Asset Management Champions Program. An update on the program was given at the September 28, 2022 TAMC conference.

  7. Old Business
    1. TAMC Coordinator Update
      1. T. White and R. Green did not receive a response to the RFP that was posted for the TAMC Coordinator position. The RFP is being reworded and streamlined looking for one person and reposted in hopes to get it contracted. R. Green did receive an inquiry from a firm in Chicago, IL, however, they did not apply.
      2. J. Johnson thanked G. Strong, R. Green, and D. Jennett for their added assistance to the TAMC. The MIC now has a budget for a position and perhaps that position can optimize coordination between the MIC and TAMC.
  8. New Business
    1. TAMC Committee Assignments/Attendance (Attachment 7)
      1. It is important that all Council members attend the TAMC meetings. It is understood that all Council members have other job responsibilities that sometimes does not allow them to attend. It will be assumed that all Council members will be in attendance in-person at the meetings and if they are not able to attend in-person or not at all, will notify TAMC staff and chair.
      2. R. Green reached out to the Attorney General’s Office for clarification on Council members terms. When a new Council member replaces another Council member before their term expires, the new Council member will finish out the Council members term that they are replacing. Once that term ends, TAMC must go back to the STC and request that they be appointed for another 3-year term.
      3. J. Johnson requested Council members send her an email and let her know of any committee’s they may be interested in serving or if they want to change from a committee. She requested that this information be provided to her by the next TAMC meeting in November.
    2. TAMC 2022-2024 Strategic Work Program/Budget Implications (Attachment 8)
      1. The Strategic Work Program has been updated in each area. It is requested that each committee review and update their areas and at the December TAMC it will be reviewed. The work plan covers up to 2024. The Council is trying to recall how it was determined in the past, how much funding each agency was allotted. Some agencies use all their allotted funds while others leave monies on the table. The Council needs to look at what remaining items are on the work plan, and this should determine what the FY 2024 budget will be. What does the Council want to see done? Is there something the agencies need that TAMC is not providing? The Council is hoping to focus on the work program more and where TAMC wants to be in the next three years or even the next 20 years.
  9. Committee Review and Discussion Items
    1. Bridge Committee Update
      1. Goal 2: Objective 2 – Culvert Performance Metrics – R. Green
      2. There are still funds left from the 2018 culvert program. R. Green put in a time extension for the agencies through FY 2023 for those agencies that did not use all their culvert funds. There are nine (9) remaining agencies. If they can’t utilize the remaining funds, J. Johnson will be sending them a letter to allow other agencies to use those monies. Prior to the letters going out, R. Green will check to see if those funds are available to anyone in the region. He will share his findings with the Bridge Committee and the Council. The agencies that participated in the 2018 culvert project, did so on a volunteer basis. The two (2) agencies that utilized all their culvert funds were SEMCOG and Tri-county.
      3. K. Jones reported that at the last Bridge Committee meeting Rebecca Curtis, TAMC Bridge Committee Chair, announced that she will be stepping down as soon as her replacement is named. She would like to finish updating the Bridge Committee sections of the Strategic Work Program. It was also discussed to possibly hold the Bridge Committee meetings every other month. This will be addressed with the new Bridge Committee chair or TAMC coordinator. J. Johnson will also review the Committee’s schedules for 2023. C. Granger, CSS, mentioned at the last Bridge Committee that there may be budget issues with updating numerous items in the IRT.
    2. ACE Committee Update – R. Buck
      1. FY 2023-2024 Budget –
        1. ACE Committee would like to rationalize the allocations given to each agency in the TAMC budget and reallocate funds left on the table. There are several agencies that want to collect culvert data but did not put it in their Unified Work Program (UWP).If agencies are doing work and fulfilling their requirements and works with fulfilling the TAMC Strategic Work Program priorities, the ACE Committee feels TAMC should reimburse them for that work if they include it in their Regional Work Program.
      2. 20-Year TAMC Celebration and Conference Update –
        1. The September 27, 2022, TAMC Pre-Conference Meet and Greet and September 28, 2022, TAMC 20-Year Celebration and Conference went very. It was well attended, the food was good, and R. Slattery did a great job as MC of the conference. It was nice to sit and talk with attendees and presenters at the Meet and Greet. R. Buck thanked G. Strong, R. Slattery and J. Johnson for their work on the events.
      3. Asset Management Orientation for New Staff (for Planning Agencies/Local Agencies/ Center for Technology and Training)
        1. Nothing new to report
      4. Website Update
        1. Nothing new to report except, people are looking for information on the website and not being able to find what they are looking for. No additional people have signed up to be on the Website Adhoc Committee. This will be taken off the agenda until further notice.
    3. Data Committee Update – B. McEntee
      1. The TAMC Coordinator’s Calls went well and had 25 attendees.
      2. 2021 Data Analysis Update, E. Costa shared his 2021 data analysis with the Data Committee at their last meeting. He did an investment strategies analysis for a 10-year goal for federal aid roads and will be sharing that analysis with the committee in October. There was a lot of discussion on the IBR ratings. This will be discussed at the October 17, 2022, Data Committee meeting. There have been some discussions regarding adding gravel roads on the dashboards since they are on the federal aid system. There have also been questions on when TAMC will include the non-federal aid network data. People are showing interest in having this information. More discussions will be had on this subject.
      3. 2021 IRT Data Update - PASER ratings were submitted into the IRT yesterday. The additional training added to the MTU schedule went very well and was suggested to be added to the regular training schedule.605 agencies out of 617 agencies have completed their reporting for 2021.192 agencies of 617 have competed their 2022 IRT reporting. A big part of this is because several agencies have different fiscal years.
      4. Status of TAMPs per PA 325 list added to the TAMC Website, the Data Committee plans to move forward with adding a TAMPs approved list to the TAMC website after Group C submits their TAMPs.
  10. Public Comments
    1. T. Colling asked the ACE and Data Committee to review the pilot verbiage in the PASER Data Collection Policy. PASER trainings begin in February and MTU will need any changes before then to add to their trainings. D. Jennett reviewed the IRT with the MIC and it went well.
  11. Member Comments
    1. J. Tubb thought the Pre-Conference Meet and Greet went very well. It was nice to sit and talk with people from the agencies, presenters, etc.
    2. R. Slattery thanked G. Strong for doing a great job on the conference. He understands the amount of work that goes into doing a conference. He felt the selection of speakers were top notch and the Conference Planning Committee did a good job selecting the speakers. He felt the Meet and Greet, educational conference, and celebration were great. He was happy to see and spend time with past members and support staff that attended the conference.
    3. James Hurt brought up the subject of Council members attending meetings in-person vs. virtually. For 
      was reminded that Council members must be in-person at TAMC meetings in order to be part of quorum. For a Council members vote to count, per the Open Meetings Act, the Council member must be in-person at the meeting. Their vote does not count if they attend the meeting virtually. James Hurt has been added to the ACE Committee.
    4. J. Johnson thanked G. Strong, R. Slattery (conference MC) and the Conference Planning Committee for putting on a valuable and successful conference. It is never intended to miss acknowledging anyone, and J. Johnson apologized for missing the opportunity to acknowledge R. Surber at the conference. R. Surber has been on the Council since 2003.J. Johnson thanked him for his dedication and service to TAMC. An award will be provided to him in the future.
    5. J. Johnson presented a year- of-service award to B. McEntee. He is the longest standing TAMC member. B. McEntee has been with the Council for 20 years. He was also thanked for his dedication and service to TAMC.
    6. If anyone would like a copy of the conference packet, let J. Johnson or TAMC support staff know. Possibly in the future, TAMC may do a combined conference with the MIC and WAMC.
    7. J. Johnson thanked everyone for coming to the TAMC meetings.
    8. Motion: R. Slattery made amotion to adjourn the meeting; B. McEntee seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
    9. The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for November 2, 2022, 1: 00p.m-3:00p.m., MDOT Aeronautics Building Auditorium, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, Michigan

Roll Call: 

Members Present

  • Ryan Buck, MTPA, Lansing, MI
  • Rob Green, MDOT, Lansing, MI
  • James Hurt, MML, via Microsoft Teams
  • Joanna Johnson, CRA, Lansing, MI – Chair
  • Kelly Jones, MAC, Lansing, MI
  • Bill McEntee, CRA, Lansing, MI – Vice-Chair
  • Robert Slattery, MML, Lansing, MI
  • Rob Surber, DTMB/CSS, Lansing, MI
  • Jennifer Tubbs, MTA, Lansing, MI
  • Brad Wieferich, MDOT, Lansing, MI              

Support Staff Present:

  • Tim Colling, MTU/LTAP
  • Eric Costa, MDOT
  • Chris Gilbertson, MTU/LTAP
  • Cheryl Granger, DTMB/CSS
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT

Public Present:

  • Lina Chapman, MDOT
  • Art Green
  • Ed Hug, SEMCOG

Members Absent:

  • Jacob Hurt, MAR