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TAMC November 2 2022 Agenda

TAMC Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


  1. Welcome - Call to Order
  2. Changes or Additions to the Agenda (Action Item as needed)
    1. Any items under the Consent Agenda may be moved to the regular agenda upon request of any Council member, member of the public or staff member.
  3. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Item
  4. Announcements
    1. State Transportation Commission November 10, 2022, Meeting Update – Reinstatements/Installation
      1. Robert Slattery, MML (Term Expires 10/31/2022)
      2. Jennifer Tubbs, MAC (Term Expires 12/31/2022)
      3. Art Green (Replacing Brad Wieferich, MDOT)
  5. MIC Update – Ryan Laruwe, MIC Executive Director
    1. MIC Strategy - Transport Asset Snapshot
    2. Asset Management Champions
  6. Consent Agenda (Action Items)
    1. Approval of the October 5, 2022, Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)
      1. New Format
    2. TAMC Budget Update – R. Green (Attachment 2)
    3. PASER Data Collection Policy Review (Attachment 3)
      1. Discussion on the Removal of “Pilot” from Revised Policy Due to COVID
      2. Two-man vs. Three-man Survey Team in Truck – Keep or Back to Three-man Team?
    4. Culvert Data Collection Policy Review (Attachment 4)
      1. Technology change where Local agencies provide export files to TAMC vs. MPO/RPO.
  7. Old Business
  8. TAMC Coordinator Update
  9. Committee Assignments
    1. ACE: Ryan, Rob, Jacob, James, Rob S.
    2. DATA: Bill, Jennifer, Bob, Rob S., Ryan
    3. BRIDGE: Kelly, TBD
  10. New Business
    1. TAMC Meetings Schedules Discussion
    2. TAMC Training 2022 (MTU/CTT) (Attachment 5)
    3. TAMC Activities 2022 (MTU/CTT) (Attachment 6)
  11. Committee Review & Discussion Items
    1. Bridge Committee Update – Wieferich/Jones
    2. ACE Committee Update –Buck/Jacob Hurt/ Surber/Green/James Hurt
    3. Data Committee Update – McEntee/Tubbs/ Slattery/Buck/ Surber
  12. Public Comments
  13. Member Comments
  14. Adjournment
    1. Next Meeting, December 7, 2022, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    2. MDOT Aeronautics Bldg., 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, Michigan