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August 14, 2024


August 14, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.

L.V. Eberhard Center, Paul A. Johnson Conference Center, 301 West Fulton Street, Grand Rapids, MI


Members Present

  • Joanna Johnson, County Road Association (CRA) – Chair
  • Bill McEntee, County Road Association (CRA) – Vice-Chair (Virtual)
  • Art Green, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
  • James Hurt, MML
  • Eric Mullen, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
  • Robert Slattery, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
  • Rob Surber, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)/Center for Shared Solutions (CSS)
  • Jennifer Tubbs, Michigan Townships Association (MTA)

Members Absent

  • Ryan Buck, Michigan Transportation Planning Association (MTPA)
  • Kelly Jones, Michigan Association of Counties (MAC)
  • Jim Snell, Michigan Association of Regions (MAR)

Others Present

  • Tim Colling, MTU
  • Joelle Demand, MI Broadband
  • Cheryl Granger, CSS (Virtual)
  • Mike Halloran, MDOT
  • Heather Hoeve, DTMB
  • Ed Hug, SEMCOG (Virtual)
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Sarah Plumer, Hubbell, Roth, and Clark (HRC)
  • Brad Sharlow, MDOT
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Mike Toth, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Conor Warren, MDOT
  1. Changes or Additions to the Agenda
    1. J. Tubbs made a motion to approve removing Item 6, Committee Updates from the Agenda, E. Mullen seconded the motion.
      1. The motion was approved by all members present.
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. J. Tubbs made a motion to approve items on the consent agenda with the updated Financial Report as presented and R. Slattery seconded the motion.
      1. The motion was approved by all members present.
  3. FY2025 Budget and Regional Program Allocation Formula
    1. J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the regional allocation formula as presented, and to develop a 3-year smoothing process to meet the base formula. The base formula will be in full effect starting in fiscal year 2028. The TAMC will develop a policy to describe the formula and policy to document fiscal timelines including work projects. J. Hurt seconded the motion.
      1. The motion was approved by all members present.
    2. R. Slattery made a motion to approve the budget as presented and E. Mullen seconded the motion.
      1. The motion was approved by all members present.
  4. Request Approval of the Center for Shared Solutions (CSS) Budget Request
    1. The Council approved the budget in a previous agenda item.
  5. Data Sharing Disclaimer
    1. The Council requested to share the Data Disclaimer language with the Attorney General’s office for review and to add it to our existing policy and Dashboards.
  6. PA 325 of 2018 Compliance Process
    1. The process will be evaluated at the ACE Committee and brought back to Council in September. Council members are to provide comments to the TAMC Coordinator by Tuesday, August 20, 2024.
  7. Request to Add October TAMC Meeting to the Calendar
    1. J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the addition of a TAMC meeting on October 2, 2024. E. Mullen seconded the motion.
      1. The motion was approved by all members present.
  8. Public Comments
    1. None.
  9. Member Comments
    1. Members thanked the TAMC Administrative team for all of their work with the TAMC and the 2024 Integrated Infrastructure Conference.
    2. The meeting was adjourned at 2:53 p.m.