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TAMC Meeting Minutes March 6, 2024
March 6, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
Members Present
- Joanna Johnson, County Road Association (CRA) – Chair
- Bill McEntee, County Road Association (CRA) – Vice-Chair
- Art Green, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- Kelly Jones, Michigan Association of Counties (MAC)
- Eric Mullen, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- Robert Slattery, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
- Jennifer Tubbs, Michigan Townships Association (MTA)
- Rob Surber, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)/Center for Shared Solutions (CSS) (Virtual)
- Ryan Buck, Michigan Transportation Planning Association (MTPA)
Members Absent
- James Hurt, MML
Others Present
- Ryan Laruwe, MIC (Virtual)
- Larry Brown, Allegan County (Virtual)
- Craig Atwood, Allegan County (Virtual)
- Dave Jennett, MDOT (Virtual)
- Eric Costa, MDOT (Virtual)
- Tim Colling, MTU (Virtual)
- Barry Hicks, Networks Northwest (Virtual)
- Chris Gilbertson, MTU (Virtual)
- Pete Torola, MTU (Virtual)
- Mark Holmes, CSS (Virtual)
- Sarah Plumer, Hubbell, Roth, and Clark (HRC)
- Consent Agenda. B. McEntee made a motion to approve items on the consent agenda and R. Buck seconded the motion to approve consent agenda items as presented in the packet.
- The motion was approved by all members present.
- Committee and Support Services Updates.
- R. Buck spoke on behalf of the ACE Committee. Much of the discussion at the last meeting was related to items on this meeting agenda. The ACE Committee will be discussing the regional allocation formula at the next meeting.
- B. McEntee gave an update on the Data Committee and explained much of the work being done now is focused on the FY2023 Annual Road & Bridge report.
- A. Green provided an update on the Bridge Committee. He mentioned they are working on the Bridge Week presentation, a culvert survey, and other items to promote culvert inventory, data collection and asset management strategies.
- R. Laruwe provided an update on the Joint MIC/TAMC/WAMC conference and explained they are currently building out the program and schedule. An update on the MIC was provided and included the first Bi-Monthly Report. R. Laruwe announced that the project portal will be launched on March 7, 2024. He also asked if there are council members attending the APWA Conference in May, and if they would be interested in presenting with the MIC.
- M. Holmes provided an update on CSS activities and explained that they have been working on the dashboards, bug fixes, data support and plan to update the dashboards in May. They are 28% through their FY budget.
- C. Gilbertson gave a presentation on the results of the Culvert Asset Management Best Practices report. The Bridge committee with work with MTU/CTT on the next steps as proposed in the report.
- P. Torola gave a presentation on the results of the AM Plan Evaluation of MI Local Agencies report. More discussion to come regarding how to move forward and implement recommendations like the needs assessment tool in Roadsoft.
- Policy Updates
- R. Buck made a motion to approve the updates to the Policy for Collection of Culvert Inventory and Condition Data and the Policy for Collection of Roadway Surface Condition Data, R. Slattery seconded the motion.
- The motion was approved by all members present.
- R. Buck made a motion to approve the updates to the Policy for Collection of Culvert Inventory and Condition Data and the Policy for Collection of Roadway Surface Condition Data, R. Slattery seconded the motion.
- FY Work Project – Non-Federal Aid (NFA) Reimbursement Requests
- S. Plumer provided the list of agencies that were eligible to receive reimbursement through this program. B. McEntee made a motion to approve the eligible agency requests in the amount of $316,831.69 and A. Green seconded the motion. J. Johnson and K. Jones abstained.
- The motion was approved by all other members present.
- S. Plumer provided the list of agencies that were eligible to receive reimbursement through this program. B. McEntee made a motion to approve the eligible agency requests in the amount of $316,831.69 and A. Green seconded the motion. J. Johnson and K. Jones abstained.
- FY2025 Unified Work Program (UWP) Draft
- J. Johnson introduced the agenda item explaining comments from the last Council meeting and the past ACE Committee meeting have been incorporated. R. Buck made a motion to approve the FY2025 UWP with recommendations, E. Mullen seconded the motion.
- The motion was approved by all members present.
- Allegan County Reimbursement. The Council discussed the agenda item and how they are to address matters like this when they arise. Council agreed to postpone making a motion to recommend how Allegan County is to be reimbursed.The topic will be discussed at the next ACE Committee meeting to determine the best course of action.
- J. Johnson introduced the agenda item explaining comments from the last Council meeting and the past ACE Committee meeting have been incorporated. R. Buck made a motion to approve the FY2025 UWP with recommendations, E. Mullen seconded the motion.
- Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report Update
- S. Plumer asked the council to review the draft report and provide comments back by the end of Wednesday, March 13th.
- 2023 Pavement surface Evaluation & Rating (PASER) Presentation
- E. Costa presented the results of his analysis from 2023 PASER data. J. Johnson and B. McEntee would like a comparison of where we are now and what we had forecasted in the past, to determine if the forecasts were correct.
- Regional Reallocation Formula Efforts
- TAMC Administrative Staff provided an update on the many ways the Regional Distribution Formula is being evaluated. J. Johnson recommended following the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) distribution formula to see if that is applicable.
- Public Comments
- J. Johnson expressed sympathies and condolences on the loss of Steve Warren, past TAMC Council Member and Asset Management expert.
- The meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m.