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September 4, 2024

Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) Meeting

September 4, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.

MDOT Aeronautics Building, 2nd Floor Commission Conference Room, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, MI


Members Present

  • Joanna Johnson, County Road Association (CRA) – Chair
  • Bill McEntee, County Road Association (CRA) – Vice-Chair (Virtual)
  • Ryan Buck, Michigan Transportation Planning Association (MTPA) (Virtual)
  • Art Green, Michigan Department of Transportation (Virtual)
  • James Hurt, MML
  • Kelly Jones, Michigan Association of Counties (MAC)
  • Eric Mullen, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
  • Robert Slattery, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
  • Jennifer Tubbs, Michigan Townships Association (MTA)

Members Absent

  • Rob Surber, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)/Center for Shared Solutions (CSS)
  • Jim Snell, Michigan Association of Regions (MAR)

Others Present

  • Jingjing Chang (Virtual)
  • Tim Colling, MTU (Virtual)
  • Mike Halloran, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Ben Harris, DTMB (Virtual)
  • Nathan Hamilton, MIC (Virtual)
  • Barry Hicks, Networks Northwest (Virtual)
  • Heather Hoeve, DTMB (Virtual)
  • Mark Holmes, DTMB
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Ryan Laruwe, MIC
  • Emilee Madison, MIC
  • Sarah Plumer, Hubbell, Roth, and Clark (HRC)
  • Brad Sharlow, MDOT
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Mike Toth, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Conor Warren, MDOT


  1. Changes or Additions to the Agenda
    1. None.
  2. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items
    1. None.
  3. Consent Agenda
    1. J. Tubbs made a motion to approve items on the consent agenda and J. Hurt seconded the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  4. FY2025 Budget Priority Proposals
    1. J. Hurt made a motion to allocate $75,000 of the FY2025 budget to collect new culvert data. R. Slattery seconded the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  5. Regional Program Allocation Formula
    1. The Council requested the ACE Committee to develop a document recording how the regional allocation formula was developed for future reference for the October TAMC meeting.
  6. PA 325 of 2018 Compliance Process
    1. J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the internal process as presented and J. Hurt seconded the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  7. Culvert Data Collection and Asset Management Excellence Award
    1. E. Mullen made a motion to approve and include the new award opportunity provided by the TAMC. K. Jones seconded the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  8. Investment Reporting Tool (IRT) TAMP Support
    1. D. Jennett presented to Council on how IRT could help agencies complete components of their Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)
  9. Committee Updates.
    1. ACE Committee
      1. R. Buck explained much of the work at ACE was discussed during this meeting. The ACE Committee now has no vacancies and will need to elect a Vice-Chair.
    2. Data Committee
      1. B. McEntee provided an update and explained efforts to understand the difference in statewide lane miles between 1970 and now.
    3. Bridge Committee. K. Jones and A. Green explained much of the work at the Bridge Committee was discussed during this meeting.
  10. Public Comments
    1. None.
  11. Member Comments
    1. Members thanked the TAMC Administrative team for all of their work with the TAMC and the 2024 Integrated Infrastructure Conference.
    2. The meeting was adjourned at 2:57 p.m.