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Brian Nagila

I immigrated to the United States in 2019 from Kenya because I wanted to make a better life and really to actualize my full potential. It was not an easy journey but I kept hope alive and yearned for a better tomorrow.

In Kenya, I worked in various social value-based program development organizations, the last being US-PEPFAR, where we were tasked with evaluating their interventions throughout the entire country.

I experienced a lot of culture shock when I arrived in the United States. I'm still adjusting on certain aspects. Before I gained formal employment, I volunteered with Samaritas, New Americans services, a social services organization, which I not only admired but resonated with their mission and work of welcoming immigrants and guiding them towards long-term self-sufficiency and community integration. I was eager to learn, work and grow, so as not to be dependent upon public benefits.

After a couple of months, I was thrilled to be hired as a full-time Case manager and now I provide employment and education support to fellow immigrants to obtain self-sufficiency, successful integration and become contributors to society within one year of arrival. I believe each immigrant has a unique story to share, born of their experiences in their country of origin. I share a lot in common with the clients that I serve - the hope that propelled them to America in the first place - the apprehensions of arriving in a new land - their struggles to adapt in a fast-paced and dynamic society - and their ability to shape a new life for themselves once here.