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Immigrant Heritage Month

Michigan celebrates Immigrant Heritage Month in June to celebrate and recognize their countless contributions to the state and country. Throughout the month of June, follow the conversation online using #CelebrateImmigrants and #ImmigrantHeritageMonth as we share important facts and stories about immigrant impact.

Immigrant Heritage Month Press Release     Immigrant Heritage Month Proclamation

We also observe June 20 as World Refugee Day, a day to raise awareness about the struggle of refugees around the world and their fight for human rights.


The Office of Global Michigan (OGM) was created to help grow Michigan's economy by retaining and attracting global talent; to promote the skills, energy, and entrepreneurial spirit of our immigrant and refugee communities; and, strives to make Michigan a more welcoming state. Consistent with that vision, the office supports immigrant and refugee integration initiatives for the state. 

OGM is responsible for two programs: the Michigan International Talent Solutions (MITS) program and the state refugee services program. Additionally, it aligns closely with the three state ethnic commissions - the Hispanic/Latino CommissionMichigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission and the Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs.

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World Refugee Day

June 20 2022 World Refugee DayRefugees living in the U.S. and several Michigan cities make tremendous contributions to our economy as earners, taxpayers and consumers just like all immigrants, and to acknowledge their struggle and preserve their human rights, we celebrate June 20 as World Refugee Day in Michigan.

World Refugee Day Press Release     World Refugee Proclamation