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Strategic Plan

The strategic plan details the core principles and priority initiatives of the SBC over the five year period from 2022 to 2027. The core principles were identified to guide future efforts and should be considered as part of every initiative agreement and charter to ensure the coalition’s vision, mission and goals are met. Through a prioritization process, the SBC identified three priority initiatives to focus on over the next few years - data sharing, electrification, and a Smart Belt Coalition website.

Current data sharing efforts are focused on work zones with collaboration between agencies to ensure reliable and consistent information. More information can be found on the Activities webpage.

With National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funding becoming available in 2022, the SBC’s focus on electrification has shifted to sharing updates and lessons learned on program planning and implementation, while remaining coordinated with tolling agencies on their EV charging infrastructure plans.

Smart Belt Strategic Plan


The SBC will recognize challenges and lessons learned experienced by the coalition members and outside agencies. Identifying these challenges and building on lessons learned will promote growth and strength within the coalition and its initiatives.

Through the engagement of other entities and organizations, the SBC is positioned to assist in the coordination and development of standards through its priority initiatives.

Best practices involving organizational structure, executive leadership involvement, organizational and project funding, and member training are important to the Coalition and will be key aspects to evaluate.

The Coalition understands the benefit of collaboration in connected and automated vehicle, and vehicle electrification development. Enhanced collaboration between members will ensure regional opportunities for competitive grants.


The Coalition will foster collaboration involving research, testing, policy, standards development, deployments, outreach, and funding pursuits in the area of connected vehicle technology, automated vehicle technology, vehicle electrification, and other innovated and emerging technologies.

The ultimate goal of the Coalition is the strategic deployment of innovative technology.