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Public School Programs

Public School Districts

State Aid Note Program (SAN)

A streamlined loan program to finance short-term operational cash flow needs for traditional public schools. Michigan Finance Authority ("MFA") facilitates the process by pooling the loans, soliciting bids and obtaining the highest possible short-term rating, resulting in competitive interest rates and typically lower costs of borrowing.

State Aid Note Program (SAN)

School Bond Qualification and Loan Program (SBQLP)

Qualified bonds provide school districts access to the State's credit rating, which will usually result in a lower interest rate and cost, and the ability to borrow for the principal and interest requirements on outstanding qualified bonds (subject to a minimum debt millage).
School Bond Qualification and Loan Program (SBQLP)

Local Government Loan Program (LGLP)

Provides competitive interest rates for 3 to 30 year loans. Typically, tax-exempt bonds or installment purchase contracts are issued under this program. All Michigan units of local government and public entities are eligible to apply.

Local Government Loan Program (LGLP)

Public School Academies

Public School Academy State Aid Note (PSA SAN)

Offers a streamlined loan programs to finance short-term operational cash flow needs for public school academies. MFA facilitates the process by pooling the loans, soliciting bids and obtaining the highest possible short-term rating, resulting in competitive interest rates and typically lower costs for the schools.
Public School Academy State Aid Note (PSA SAN)

Public School Academy Project Finance

Provides public school academies (PSAs) with effective, low-cost, facilities finance options to finance or refinance the acquisition, construction, improvement or alteration of land, facilities, equipment, machinery, parking, the payment of project costs, or to refinance existing debt.
Public School Academy Project Finance Annual Fee

Private/Non-Profit School Project Finance

Provides competitive interest rates for 3 to 30 year loans. Typically, tax-exempt bonds or installment purchase contracts are issued under this program.

Private/Non-Profit School Project Finance

Bureau of State and Authority Finance

Austin Building, 1st Floor
430 W. Allegan
Lansing, MI 48922

Phone: 517-335-0994
Fax: 517-241-9509