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Detroit FRC School District Meeting Minutes January 29, 2024

Detroit Financial Review Commission


Monday, January 29, 2024

Following the City’s Regular Meeting

(Begins no earlier than 1:05 p.m.)

Using Microsoft Teams

Approved Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairman, Kevin A. Smith called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Proposed Minutes from the December 18, 2023, Meeting
    1. The December 18, 2023, meeting minutes for the DPSCD were tabled due to a lack of quorum. The minutes will be on the agenda for the February 26, 2023 meeting.
  4. Executive Director’s Report
    1. Patrick Dostine, Executive Director, informed the meeting that in reviewing the monthly financial reports for DPS and DPSCD, for the month ending November 30, 2023, the School District continues to pay its debt obligations, remains in compliance, and there is no reason to consider rescinding the waivers at this time. Mr. Dostine also noted that the district had experienced, due to a strike at US Foods—Wixom, some programmatic challenges in food service, earlier in the month of January.
  5. Old Business:
    1. None
  6. New Business:
    1. None
  7. DPS/DPSCD Financial Reports for November 30, 2023 – FYI Only
    1. CFO, Jeremy Vidito gave an overview of above-mentioned financial reports and addressed questions from the commissioners. The CFO added more clarity to the impact of the US Foods-Wixom strike on the DPSCD’s food service program.
  8. Public Comment:
    1. None
  9. Next Meeting Date
    1. School District Regular Meeting: Monday, February 26, 2024, following the City Meeting, beginning no earlier than 1:05 pm, remotely using Microsoft Teams.
  10. Adjournment
    1. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:31 p.m.

Roll Call

Members Present

  • Hakim Berry
  • Jay Rising
  • Ron Rose
  • Kevin Smith
  • John Walsh

Members Absent

  • Dr. J. Barnwell
  • Angelique Peterson-Mayberry(non-voting)
  • Mary SheffieldDr. Vitti