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Detroit FRC School District Meeting Minutes July 29, 2024

Detroit Financial Review Commission


Monday, July 29, 2024

Following the City’s Regular Meeting

(Begins no earlier than 1:05 p.m.)

Using Microsoft Teams

Meeting Minutes



  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairman, Kevin A. Smith called the meeting to order at 1:21 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Proposed Minutes from the June 24, 2024, Meeting
    1. Motion made by commissioner Berry and seconded by commissioner Flood to approve the draft minutes of the commission’s school district meeting as presented. Motion moved and supported; the commission approved the minutes of the above city meeting as presented.
  4. Executive Director’s Report
    1. Patrick Dostine, Executive Director, informed the meeting that in reviewing the monthly financial reports for DPS and DPSCD, for the month ending May 31, 2024, the School District remains in good standing with the financial review commission and is in compliance with all statute as it relates to their waivers. He also stated that DFT - DPSCD ratified a new 2-yr contract and was adopted unanimously by the school board in July. One of the richest contracts in the district’s history; he noted some of the highlights of the contract:
      1. Top-step teacher salaries have increased 42.5% since 2017, from $65,000 to $93,000
      2. Starting teacher salaries have increased 56% since 2017, from $35,000 to $55,000
      3. The highest starting teacher salary in Michigan
        1. The Cost of the new salaries and bonuses is estimated at $157.1 million over the two years. The meeting was also informed that DPSCD received a one-time federal grant which will take a $2M projected deficit in the food service fund for FY24 and make it a $1M surplus.
  5. Old Business:
    1. None
  6. New Business:
    1. None
  7. DPS/DPSCD Financial Reports for May 31, 2024
    1. FYI Only
      1. CFO, Jeremy Vidito gave an extensive overview of above-mentioned financial reports and addressed questions from the commissioners.
  8. Public Comment:
    1. Michelle George
    2. William Davis
    3. Allayah Moore
  9. Next Meeting Date
    1. School District Regular Meeting: Monday August 26, 2024, following the City Meeting, beginning no earlier than 1:05 pm, remotely using Microsoft Teams.
  10. Adjournment
    1. Motion made by commissioner Barry and supported by commissioner Rising to adjourn. The commission approved the motion to adjourn.
    2. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:01 p.m.

Roll Call:

Members Present -7

  • Dr. J. Barnwell
  • Hakim Berry
  • David Blaszkiewicz
  • Jen Flood
  • Jay Rising
  • Ron Rose
  • Kevin Smith

Members Absent -4

  • Angelique Peterson-Mayberry
  • Mary Sheffield
  • John Walsh
  • Dr. Vitti