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February 3, 2021 Meeting Minutes

School District of the City of Muskegon Heights

Receivership Transition Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

(Postponed from January 20, 2021)

Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams


  1. Call to Order
    1. Chair Jessica Thomas called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
    2. In accordance with Public Act 228 of 2020, this meeting will be held by remote participation. 
  2. Roll Call

Members Present-5

  • Dr. Patrice Johnson, Detroit, MI (Wayne County)
  • John Schrier – Muskegon, MI
  • Dr. Dale K. Nesbary – Muskegon, MI
  • Jessica Thomas, Birmingham, MI
  • Clinton Todd – Muskegon, MI

A quorum was present.

  1. Approval of RTAB Minutes
    1. Motion made by Dr. Nesbary and seconded by Mr. Schrier to approve the draft minutes of the RTAB December 16, 2020 meeting. The RTAB members unanimously approved the meeting minutes as presented.
  2. Communications
    1. Chair Thomas informed the meeting that letters were received from Muskegon Heights Academy dated December 15 and December 31, 2020 respectively, copies of which is included in the meeting packets.
  3. Old Business
    1. Chair Thomas stated that based on the communications received, the district and the PSA had begun to engage in dialog, which also included mediation regarding some of the concerns expressed. She reported that invitations will be extended to both entities to make presentations and provide written updates to the RTAB on their progress, so that a determination can be made by the Board on whether they are satisfied with the progress or if more needs to be done.
    2. Dr. Nesbary stated that he was happy to see that they were having dialogue and thanked both entities for the efforts made to have better communication.
    3. Chair Thomas reported that an invitation will be extended to legal counsel to provide information regarding the question that was raised by some members at the last meeting relating to the future existence of the RTAB.  She also invited the Board to raise any other questions they may have for legal counsel at that time.
  4. New Business
  1.  District Financial Update.
    1. No Financial Update was provided. Mr. Lewis will give financial updates for January and February 2021, at the February 17, 2021 meeting.
  2. Review and approval of the School District City of Muskegon Heights Receivership Transition Advisory Board 2021 Regular Meeting Schedule
    1. RTAB Resolution 2021-1: Chair Thomas invited members of the RTAB to review the 2021 meeting calendar and noted that the intent is for the Board to adopt and agree on the proposed meeting dates for the 2021 calendar year. Chair Thomas reported that all meetings will continue to be held remotely at this time and revisions will be made as needed.  Motion made by Dr. Johnson and supported by Mr. Schrier to approve the Muskegon Heights Receivership Transition Advisory Board 2021 Regular Meeting schedule. (Resolution 2021-1) The RTAB unanimously approved Resolution 2021-1 as presented.
  1. Public Comment
    1. None
  2. Board Comment
    1. Dr. Johnson queried if the public-school academy had adopted the new board member; if their first board meeting was convened, and how things were going.
    2. In response to Dr. Johnson’s questions, Chair Thomas informed that she did not received any updates but stated that the questions will be included as part of the presentation the academy will be asked to make to the RTAB at the next meeting.  Further, Chair Thomas, informed the meeting that Superintendent Garcia was present and invited her to provide an update to Dr. Johnson’s questions.
    3. Superintendent Garcia, informed the meeting that the new Board member Dr. Angelina Coleman has been sworn in, is currently going through the on-boarding process, has attended, and participated in two board meetings and is a welcome addition to the Board.
    4. Dr. Johnson thanked Superintendent Garcia for providing the update.
  3. Adjournment
    1. There being no further business, Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 4:20 pm.