Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana
Section 2 of 2016 Public Act 281 provides for the creation of the Medical Marijuana Excise Fund. Except for the application fee under section 401, the regulatory assessment under section 603 and any local fees, all money collected under section 601 and all other fees, fines and charges, imposed under the act must be deposited in the medical marijuana excise fund. Interest and earnings from fund investments shall be credited to the fund. Money in the medical marijuana excise fund at the close of the fiscal year remains in the fund and does not lapse to the general fund.
The money in the Medical Marijuana Excise Fund must be allocated, upon appropriation, as follows:
- 25% to municipalities in which a marijuana facility is located, allocated in proportion to the number of marijuana facilities within the municipality.
30% to counties in which a marijuana facility is located, allocated in proportion to the number of marijuana facilities within the county.
5% to counties in which a marijuana facility is located, allocated in proportion to the number of marijuana facilities within the county. Money allocated under this subdivision must be used exclusively to support the county sheriffs and must be in addition to and not in replacement of any other funding received by the county sheriffs.
30% to this state for the following:
Until September 30, 2017, for deposit in the General Fund of the state treasury.
Beginning October 1, 2017, for deposit in the First Responder Presumed Coverage Fund created in section 405 of the Worker’s Disability Compensation Act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.405.
5% to the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards for training local law enforcement officers.
5% to the Department of State Police.