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January 2025: Birth Defects Awareness Month

WHEREAS, every 4.5 minutes in the United States a baby is born with a condition that affects the structure or function of their body; these conditions are referred to as birth defects; and,

WHEREAS, birth defects can vary widely in how and where they affect the body; and,

WHEREAS, while medical advancements have greatly improved the health and survival of these individuals, many of these conditions are lifelong and require extended care; and,

WHEREAS, everyone’s journey is unique, shaped by their specific condition, individual strengths, and support systems in place; and,

WHEREAS, knowledge empowers parents to make the best choices for their child’s future. Understanding the child's condition is essential to making informed decisions about their health and well-being; and,

WHEREAS, early identification and early intervention also can help a child receive the right care and resources they need to thrive; and,

WHEREAS, family members and health care providers can ensure that individuals with birth defects receive the care and services they need to be as healthy and independent as possible; and,

WHEREAS, community plays an integral role in the lives of individuals and families affected by birth defects; and,

WHEREAS, every community member can make a difference and play a part to help create a safe and inclusive environment that benefits everyone; and,

WHEREAS, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services administers the Birth Defects Education, Outreach and Surveillance Program which focuses on promoting healthy pregnancies, birth defects awareness, improving the health of individuals affected by birth defects, and tracking birth defects data;

NOW THEREFORE, I Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim January 2025 as Birth Defects Awareness Month in Michigan.