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January 2025: Stop Impaired Driving Prevention Month

WHEREAS, Michigan, according to the Michigan Traffic Crash Reporting System, had 11,067 crashes in 2023 because of impaired driving; and,

WHEREAS, the use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs can affect the brain by impairing motor skills, reaction time, and judgment, which are all critical while driving; and,

WHEREAS, impaired driving is a public health concern because it not only puts the driver at risk, but also endangers the lives and safety of passengers and others sharing the road; and,

WHEREAS, in 2023, just over 1,000 people were killed in crashes on Michigan roadways, and nearly 41 percent of these fatalities involved alcohol and/or drugs according to the 2023 Michigan Annual Drunk Driving Audit by the Michigan State Police (MSP); and,

WHEREAS, through the exercise of good judgment, personal responsibility, and a commitment to never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, every community member can play a role in the fight against impaired driving due to drunk, drugged, and distracted driving; and,

WHEREAS, as drug and alcohol use continue to rise, our roadways are at risk due to an increase in impaired driving, we must all recognize the danger impaired driving can pose for drivers, passengers, and all others sharing the road, and encourage our communities to identify, develop, and promote solutions to this critical issue that takes away thousands of lives every year in the United States;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim January 2025 as Stop Impaired Driving Prevention Month in Michigan.